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Siemann, Evan ;Tilman, David ;Haarstad, John 1999. Abundance, diversity and body size: patterns from a grassland arthropod community 68: 824-835.
Davidson, Ana D. ;Parmenter, Robert R. ;Gosz, James R. 1999. Responses of vegetation and small mammals to a reintroduction of Gunnison's prairie dogs 80: 1311-1324.
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Potter, Deborah U. ;Gosz, James R. ;Molles Jr., Manuel C. ;Scuderi, Louis A. 1998. Lightning, precipitation and vegetation at landscape scale 13: 203-214.
Zimmer, Kelli ;Parmenter, Robert R. 1998. Harvester ants and fire in a desert grassland: Ecological responses of Pogonomyrmex rugosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to experimental wildfires in central New Mexico 27: 282-287.
Kitchell, James F. ;Schindler, Daniel E. ;Herwig, Brian R. ;Post, David M. ;Olson, Mark H. ;Oldham, Michael 1999. Nutrient cycling at the landscape scale: The role of diel foraging migrations by geese at the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge 44: 828-836.
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