
Likens, G. E. 1971. A checklist of organisms for the Hubbard Brook ecosystems : 37.
Pierce, R. S. 1971. Clear cutting and stream water
Reeves, C. C., Jr. 1971. Soils report of Watersheds 1-6 and 101 at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest : 49.
Report, I. B. M. Computer 1971. How does your forest grow?
Waterman, G. G. 1969. Mirror Lake, limnetic crustacean zooplankton: identifications and comments on them : 15.
Botkin, D. B. ;Janak, J. F. ;Wallis, J. R. 1970. A simulator for northeastern forest growth: a contribution of the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study and IBM research
Botkin, D. B. ;Janak, J. F. ;Wallis, J. R. 1970. The rationale, limitations and assumptions of a northeast forest growth simulator
Federer, C. A. 1970. Measuring forest evapotranspiration – theory and problems : 25.
Likens, G. E. ;Bormann, F. H. 1970. Chemical analyses of plant tissues from the Hubbard Brook ecosystem in New Hampshire : 25.
Johnson, P. L. ;Vogel, T. C. 1968. Evaluation of forest canopies by photography : 20.
Leonard, R. E. ;Reinhart, K. G. 1963. Some observations on precipitation measurement on forested experimental watersheds : 4.
Reinhart, K. G. ;Pierce, R. S. 1964. Stream-gaging stations for research on small watersheds : 37.
Schuster, R. 1964. Woods laboratory : 2.
Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station U. S. D. A. Forest 1964. Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest : 13.
Federer, C. A. 1965. Sustained winter streamflow from groundmelt : 4.
Johnson, N. M. ;Likens, G. E. ;Bormann, F. H. ;Pierce, R. S. 1965. Chemical weathering and major cation cycling in a podzolization environment : 102.
Pierce, R. S. 1965. Forest watershed management in the Northeast : 48-52.
Hart, G. E., Jr. 1966. Forest cutting to increase streamflow in the White Mountains : 6-9.
Trimble, G. R., Jr. ;Lull, H. W. 1956. The role of forest humus in watershed management in New England : 34.
Sartz, R. S. 1957. Snow and frost measurements in a watershed-management research program : 6.