
Xu, Yunping 2005. Origin, transport and fate of organic matter in Florida Bay: A biomarker record of historical environmental changes
Kurzman, A.L. 2006. Changes in major solute chemistry as water infiltrates soils: Comparisons between managed agroecosystems and unmanaged vegetation
Reed, David 2007. Effects of hydrology and light on seedling establishment and growth of four wetland tree species in tree islands of northern Shark Slough, Everglades National Park
Rogers, Matthew 2005. Bacterivory, growth rates, and bacterial abundance in Florida Bay
Romigh, Melissa 2005. Organic Carbon Flux at the Mangrove Soil-Water Column Interface in the Florida Coastal Everglades
Spence, V.A. 2011. Estimating groundwater discharge in the oligohaline ecotone of the Everglades using temperature as a tracer and variable-density groundwater models
Stanaway, Kathryn 2005. The effects of microbial mats on sediment nutrient fluxes in Florida Bay, USA
Stevenson, Christine Elizabeth 2001. Fish decomposition and the role of fish detritus in nutrient cycling within an oligotrophic Everglades freshwater marsh
Tsai, Cheng-Feng 2008. Application of the HYMAN Model to evaluate the water and salt budgets in three mangrove sites along Shark River, Everglades
Vlaar, Theo 2005. Hydrologic conditions of the Shark Estuary in relation to regional physical forcings in the Everglades
Williams, Alissa Jade 2004. Hydrology and primary production influence food-web patterns in the Florida Everglades
Wood, Adam 2005. Dynamics of detrital particulate organic material in the ridge and slough landscape of the Everglades
Zapata-Rios, Xavier 2009. Groundwater/surface water interactions in Taylor Slough-Everglades National Park
Campbell, Justin 2012. The Effects of Carbon Dioxide Fertilization on the Ecology of Tropical Seagrass Communities
Garvoille, Rebecca 2013. Sociocultural Complexities of Ecosystem Restoration: Remaking Identity, Landscape and Belonging in the Florida Everglades
Koch, Gregory 2012. Dynamics of Ecosystem Metabolism and Flocculent Detritus Transport in Estuarine Taylor River
Malone, Sparkle 2014. Hydrology drives Everglades ecosystem function: implications for ecosystem vulnerability to drought, energy balance, climate teleconnections and climate change
Matich, Philip 2014. Environmental and individual factors shaping the habitat use and trophic interactions of juvenile bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in a subtropical estuary
Ruehl, Clifton B. 2010. The Interactive Effects of Predators, Resources, and Disturbance on Freshwater Snail Populations from the Everglades
Sullivan, Pamela 2011. Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions on Tree Islands in the Everglades, South Florida