
Buckley, D. H. 2000. The diversity and dynamics of microbial groups in soils from agroecosystems
Sanchez, J. E. 2000. Managing cropping systems to enhance the active soil nitrogen pool and control its mineralization
Parry, D. 2000. Induced responses of poplars to defoliation and their effects on leaf-feeding Lepidoptera
Fortuna, A. M. 2001. Management of cropping system and compost additions for enhanced nitrogen availability and carbon sequestration
Broughton, L. C. 2001. Linking plant communities to soil microbial communities and processes in old-fields
Blackwood, C. 2001. Spatial organization in soil bacterial communities
Sanchez, J. E. ;Harwood, R. R. ;LeCureux, J. ;Shaw, J. E. ;Shaw, M. ;Smalley, S. ;Smeenk, J. ;Voelker, R. 2001. Integrated Cropping System for Corn-Sugar Beet-Dry Bean Rotation
Raikow, D. F. 2001. How the feeding ecology of native and exotic mussels affects freshwater ecosystems
Fox, T. B. 2002. Biological control of soybean (Aphis glycines Matsumura) aphid in Michigan
Elwadie, M. 2002. Spatial and temporal dynamics of nitrogen-water interactions in corn in Michigan
Holdaway-Dopp, H. A. 2003. Changes in microbial community responses to gradients of carbon, nitrogen, and wetting cycles in geoncentric layers of soil macro-aggregates
Brewer, E. A. 2004. Impacts of calcium and nitrogen on carbon stabilization in soils of an afforested red pine stand
Whitmire, S. 2003. Anaerobic biogeochemical functions of Michigan wetlands and the influence of water source
Suwanwaree, P. 2003. Methane oxidation in terrestrial ecosystems: Patterns and effects of disturbance
South, S. R. 2003. Identification and mapping of agricultural tillage methods utilizing remotely sensed data
Smeenk, J. P. 2003. The impacts of continuous corn and a corn-soybean-wheat rotation grown under various management schemes on nitrate leaching, soil physical characteristics and net returns
Pitt, A. J. 2003. Isotopomer effects associated with nitrification and denitrification: Implications for the global nitrous oxide cycle
McKeown, C. H. 2003. Quantifying the roles of competition and niche separation in native and exotic cocconellids, and the changes in the community in response to an exotic prey species
Lynch, M. D. 2004. Species richness and composition of soil Basidiomycota
Grandy, A. S. 2005. Ecosystem consequences of soil aggregation following soil disturbance