
Huang, X. 2007. Analysis of effects of soil properties, topographical variables and management practices on spatial-temporal variability of crop yields
Bruesewitz, D. A. 2008. The effects of invasive zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on nitrogen cycling in freshwater ecosystems of the Midwestern United States
Zhang, W. 2007. Optimal pest management in the presence of natural pest control ecosystem services
Johnson, L. T. 2008. The influence of land use on the role of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in stream nutrient processing
Gunckel, K. 2008. Preservice elementary teachers learning to use curriculum materials to plan and teach science
Gardiner, M. 2008. Landscape scale and within-field influences on predator abundance and biocontrol services in soybean fields
Corbin, A. T. 2008. Transitional dynamics in converting conventional field cropping systems to certified organic
Campbell, B. M. 2008. Characterization of Tetracycline efflux genes in soil bacteria and an analysis of environmental factors controlling their expression
Salvagiotti, F. 2008. Nitrogen fixation in high yielding soybean (Glycine Max., L. Merr)
Mohan, L. 2008. Orchestrating productive discussion: A study of dialogic discourse and participation in science classrooms
Hoben, J. P. 2009. On-farm nitrous oxide (N2O) response to nitrogen fertilizer in corn cropping systems : 65.
Doll, J. E. ;Snapp, S. S. 2009. Sustainable crop removal: maintaining soil quality
Bahnmann, B. D. 2009. Identity and diversity of Agaricomycetes (Fungi: Basidiomycota) in temperate agricultural soils
Syswerda, S. P. 2009. Ecosystem services from agriculture across a management intensity gradient in Southwest Michigan
Subramanian, S. K. 2008. Effect of topography and soil properties on spatial variability of soil carbon (C) sequestration in different crop management systems of a long-term experiment
Lupold, S. 2009. Sexual selection and sperm design in passerine birds
Levine, U. 2009. Comparisons of methanotroph communities in soils that consume atmospheric methane
Joo, W. 2009. Environmental acoustics as an ecological variable to understand the dynamics of ecosystems
Jolejole, M. C. 2009. Trade-offs, incentives, and the supply of ecosystem services from cropland
James, L. K. ;Swinton, S. M. ;Pennington, D. 2009. Profitability of Converting to Biofuel Crops E-3084: .