
McNeely, Robert P. 1983. Influence of mesquite on vegetational changes under two grazing strategies in southern New Mexico : 61.
Pamo, Etienne Tedonkeng 1983. Mathematical approach to range condition in comparison to the SCS method : 189.
Pilz, Wayne R. 1983. Nesting ecology and diet of Swainson's hawk in the Chihuahuan Desert, south-central New Mexico : 30.
Hinojosa, Juan Antonio 1983. Nutritional value of cattle diets on continuously and seasonally grazed semidesert range : 48.
Miller, Marian Matilda 1983. An analysis of activity patterns in the grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster): Abiotic factors as predictive variables : 24.
Gutierrez, Julio R. 1984. Ephemeral plant responses to termites, water and nitrogen in a Chihuahuan Desert : 102.
Morrical, Daniel Gene 1984. Performance and diet quality of goats grazing creosotebush dominated rangeland and their effect on plant community : 83.
Conley, Marsha Reeves 1984. Population regulation and prey community impact of Geolycosa rafaelana (Chamberlin) (Araneae: Lycosidae) : 68.
Gallagher, George R. 1984. Relationships between heifer traits and subsequent cow productivity measures in Hereford, Brangus and reciprocal crossbred cows : 57.
Silva, Solange Inacia 1984. The relative contributions of termites and microarthropods to fluff grass litter disappearance in the Chihuahuan Desert : 38.
Hoefler, William C. , Jr. 1984. Response of creosotebush and mesquite communities after applying hexazinone : 109.
Lightfoot, David Carleton 1985. Substrate utilization and guild structure in desert grasshopper assemblages : 60.
Kumm, James E. 1985. An evaluation of a change-in-ratio estimate of coyote abundance on the Jornada Experimental Range : 65.
Matheys, David G. 1985. Implications of rodent and rabbit grazing in the Chihuahuan Desert : 35.
Phillips, Marcia Dawn 1986. Soil and vegetation factors influencing den site selection of a Chihuahuan Desert rodent assembly : 37.
Cepeda Pizarro, Jorge G. 1986. Spatial and temporal patterns of decomposition and microarthropod assemblages in decomposing surface leaf-litter on a Chihuahuan Desert watershed : 245.
Van Vactor, Steven Scott 1986. Variation in diurnal ant species composition and relative abundance on a desert watershed : 59.
Stolzenburg, Herbert William 1986. Oral delivery of placebo baits to free-ranging coyotes in southern New Mexico : 49.
Hakkila, Mark Douglas 1986. Beef steer diets, forage intake, and fecal indices in south-central New Mexico : 82.
Peterson, David Kendall 1986. Behavioral responses of Chihuahuan Desert lizards to habitat modification : 45.