
Whelan, Kevin 2005. The successional dynamics of lightning-initiated canopy gaps in the mangrove forests of Shark River, Everglades National Park, USA
Williams, Clayton 2008. Relative significance of pelagic, benthic, and allochthonous organic matter to microbial carbon cycling in a phosphorus-depleted subtropical estuary (Florida Bay)
Breithaupt, Joshua L. 2012. Organic Carbon Burial Rates in Mangrove Soils: Global Context and a Preliminary Investigation of the Coastal Everglades
Cormier, Nicole 2003. Belowground productivity in mangrove forests of Pohnpei and Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia
Delius, Bryan K. 2007. Distribution and trophic position of juvenile bull sharks in an oligotrophic estuary
Gibson, Patrick J. 2005. Volume transport and nutrient loading between Florida Bay and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary though Long Key Channel
Jimenez, Kristine L. 2010. A Comparison of CO2 Exchange Rates for Long- and Short-Hydroperiod Everglades Marshes
Cunniff, Kevin M. 2006. Phenology, sexual reproduction, and the factors affecting sexual reproduction of the marine angiosperm, Thalassia testudinum, in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS)
Goss, Charles 2006. Fish colonization of temporary wetlands in the context of the Everglades landscape
Green, David P.J. 2007. Community structure and physiological stresses of oligohaline zone fishes in south Florida
Isherwood, Ewan 2013. The Effect of Contemporary Hydrologic Modification on Vegetation Community Composition Distinctness in the Florida Everglades
McCarthy, Lauren 2009. Segregation of palaemonid shrimp species along a salinity gradient in Shark River, Everglades National Park
Poret, Nicole 2005. Belowground Decomposition of Mangrove Roots in the Florida Coastal Everglades
2008. Effective estuarine management: A case study of a California estuary and its ecological and political characteristics
2007. Complex effects of an invasive consumer Procambarus clarkii on stream communities in Southern California and Hawaii
2009. Satellite Retrieval of Phytoplankton Functional Types and Carbon via the Particle Size Distribution
2009. Post-fire Sedimentation and Flood Risk Potential in the Mission Creek Watershed of Santa Barbara
2008. Consequences of kelp forest structure and dynamics for epiphytes and understory communities
2002. Short-term (1997-2000) and long-term (1928-2000) observations of river water and sediment discharge to the Santa Barbara Channel
2006. The effects of natural and anthropogenic perturbations on stream primary producer communities in southern California