Title: Variation among biomes in temporal dynamics of aboveground primary production
Investigators: Alan K. Knapp, Melinda D. Smith
Abstract:Annual net primary production (ANPP) and annual precipitation data from 11 Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites across North America. Data were compiled for analyses summarized in a study published in Science (2000, 291:481-484). These data were obtained online or received directly form site investigators. For those sites with multiple communities sampled, only a single, representative community type was selected from each site. Each LTER site included in this dataset used unique methods for estimating ANPP (see individual web pages at https://lternet.edu/sites/ for details). Click here to the original Science article online
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DATA USE POLICY – All data collected under the umbrella of the Long-Term Ecological Research Program are available here only to qualified scientific or educational interests that agree to cite the data and source appropriately. This agreement must be made in person by contacting Alan K. Knapp. Failure to make this contact will be considered a disregard for
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– Copyright 2004 Long Term Ecological Research Network –
This material is based upon work
supported by the National
Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement #DEB-0236154.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material
are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Science Foundation.
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