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February 2019

LTER Network News is a forum for sharing news and activities from across the LTER Network. This is our water cooler. If you have personnel changes, new grants, cross-Network activities that might interest your LTER colleagues, please send them along to

Save the Dates:


The 2019 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting is taking place Feb 23 – Mar 2 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. A number of LTER researchers are contributing to sessions, including members of the Luquillo LTER. To view all sessions click here.


The deadline for abstracts for the ILTER Open Science Meeting in Leipzig Germany 2-6 September, 2019 has been extended to March 4, 2019. The organizers have added a workshop session-type to encourage the development of collaborative projects. Please see the announcement of the deadline extension and the description of the Open Science Meeting on the ILTER website.

Recent Press

From the National Science Foundation

Other media:

Papers of Interest

Committees and Interest Groups

Several LTER committees and interest groups are experiencing a surge of activity in the wake of the LTER All Scientists’ Meeting. Participation is entirely voluntary, but if you are interested in the following issues and activities, please reach out to the listed contact people for more information:

Cross-site REU proposal team: A group of investigators and REU coordinators are looking at developing a proposal for a cross-site REU program. Sam Norlin ( is coordinating interest

Diversity Committee: Interested in helping develop a set of resources and best practices to apply across the Network? Alan Berkowitz ( co-chairs this committee.

International LTER Committee: Are you involved in international research or have ideas about how to expand international connections? Mark Watkins ( is coordinating interest.

Communications Committee: Clarisse Hart ( and Julie Doll ( chair this committee that is building a community of practice among LTER communicators and investigators.

Around the Network

Dan Reed is stepping down as the Lead PI for Santa Barbara Coastal LTER and Robert Miller will be stepping up.

Congratulations to PhD candidate Timothy J. Ohlert, who is a recipient of the 2019 Katherine S. McCarter Graduate Student Policy Award (GSPA), awarded by the Ecological Society of America (ESA). Tim primarily conducts research and mentors REU’s at Sevilleta LTER, and also conducts some of his research at the Central-Arizona Phoenix and Cedar Creek LTER sites.

The Coweeta (CWT) LTER 40 Year Retrospective Symposium will review the major findings of the CWT LTER and highlight the current ecosystem questions raised by our past research. Topics will include: Forest composition trends, Climate change, Soil C and N pools, Watershed biogeochemistry, Aquatic assemblage associations with land use, Organic matter fluxes. All who are interested are welcome.

LTER on social media: Like the LTER Facebook page or join private Facebook groups to continue the conversations from the ASM: Education; Graduate Students; Communications and Outreach.  Follow LTER on Twitter for the most current updates. And now you can find behind-the-scenes pics and stories from across the network on our new LTER community-led Instagram page!


Nature is hosting its 2019 ScientistAtWork photo competition. They’re interested in finding and celebrating arresting images of scientists from around the world in the lab or in the field – and LTER sites are ripe for great photos! Winners receive a cash prize, subscription to Nature, and have their photos featured in an issue.

Jobs and graduate opportunities

EDI Summer 2019 Fellowship Program
DataONE Summer Internship Program
Field Research Technician in Northern Alaska with Arctic LTER
Postdoc in Computational Disease Ecology Modeling – Las Cruces, NM
LTER Research Specialist, University of Virginia’s Coastal Research Center
Biological Science Administrator (Program Director), NSF (Temporary)
Biological Science Administrator (Program Director), NSF (Permanent)

Funding Opportunities

Harnessing the Data Revolution: Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science Phase I: NSF’s Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Big Idea is a national-scale activity to enable new modes of data-driven discovery that will allow fundamental questions to be asked and answered at the frontiers of science and engineering. Through this NSF-wide activity, HDR will generate new knowledge and understanding, and accelerate discovery and innovation. Letter of Intent (required): March 25, 2019; full proposal: May 8, 2019.

ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions: The ADVANCE program seeks to develop systemic approaches to increase the participation and advancement of women in academic STEM careers. Letter of Intent (required): May 15, 2019; full proposal: May 22 – June 3, 2019