Spring Field Technician | Cedar Creek LTER

The Cedar Creek LTER (Long Term Ecological Research Network) has several opportunities for students and recent graduates to work as spring field techs.

Herbarium Curator | Sevilleta LTER

We are excited about the possibility of recruiting a new herbarium curator who would collaborate with the Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research Program (https://sevlter.unm.edu/)

Program Manager | Sevilleta LTER

The Sevilleta (SEV) Long-Term Ecological Research Program is seeking a Program Manager to bridge scientific research and management in a large, long-term research program focused on dryland ecosystems in central New Mexico.

Zooplankton Specialist | NGA LTER

This position will contribute to zooplankton studies at the Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research (NGA-LTER) Site, as well as other projects in the UAF Zooplankton Ecology Lab.

Research Specialist | CAP LTER

The Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Program (CAP LTER) and the Ball Lab at Arizona State University seek a research specialist to join the lab, which focuses on the impacts of human activities on soil biology and biogeochemistry.

Long-term study field technician at Jornada LTER

The Jornada Basin Long-term Ecological Research program (JRN LTER), based in New Mexico State University (NMSU) in Las Cruces, New Mexico, is seeking a new member for its team of core-study field technicians.