Grant history of an LTER site

LTER: The Chihuahuan Desert (The Jornada LTER III Consortium)

This project investigates: (1) recent changes in the nature and strength of the links between academic research and industrial innovation in various industries, (2) differences among small, medium-sized and large firms in the extent to which their innovations are based on recent academic research and in the ways in which they tap into, use, and… Read more »

LTER IV: Jornada Basin: Linkages in Semi-arid Landscapes

Chicuahuan Desert landscapes exemplify the ecological conditions, vulnerability and management issues found in semi-arid regions around the globe. The goal of the Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research program is to identify the key factors that control ecosystem dynamics in semi-arid landscapes, with the objective of understanding the causes and consequences of desertification. Pervious LTER work… Read more »

Jornada Basin LTER V: Landscape Linkages in Arid and Semiarid Ecosystems

Chihuahuan Desert landscapes exemplify the ecological conditions, vulnerability, and management issues found in arid and semi-arid regions around the world. The goal of the Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research program (JRN) , established in 1982, is to understand and quantify the causes and consequences of desertification in these systems. In collaboration with its research partner,… Read more »

LTER: Biodiversity, Disturbance and Ecosystem Functioning at the Prairie-Forest Border

This is a renewal request of the Cedar Creek Natural History Area Long-term Ecological Research project. The nine co-investigators of the Cedar Creek LTER are using theory with long-term experiments and observations to examine (1) controls of biodiversity, community assembly and ecosystem functioning in upland ecosystems at the prairie-forest boundary, (2) the effects of both… Read more »

Biodiversity, Environmental Change and Ecosystem Functioning at the Prairie-Forest Boarder

The Cedar Creek Long-Term Ecological Research project would use long-term experimentation, observation and theory to examine (1) the impacts of human-driven changes, especially loss of biodiversity, climatic variation, N deposition, land cover and use change, changes in fire frequency, elevated CO2, and exotic species, on community dynamics and ecosystem structure and function; (2) how the… Read more »

LTER: Biodiversity, Multiple Drivers of Environmental Change and Ecosystem Functioning at the Prairie Forest Border

The Cedar Creek Long Term Ecological Research program is designed to understand how the prairie grasslands and forests of the Midwest function and how this functioning may be influenced by human activities. The research combines large, well-replicated, long-term experiments with long-term observations in native ecosystems, and uses the results to develop and test theories of… Read more »

LTER: Multi-decadal responses of prairie, savanna, and forest ecosystems to interacting environmental changes: insights from experiments, observations, and models

Human activities are altering the earth’s ecosystems and creating unprecedented combinations of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere, supplies of limiting nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen, and rates of disturbances such as fire. At the same time, humans are increasing species extinctions and the spread of invasive species, including pests, and pathogens. Researchers at… Read more »

ABI Development: Enabling broad-scale ecological analysis and synthesis through PASTA Plus, a component of the Environmental Data Initiative

Global-scale environmental issues such as food security, the spread of disease, and the availability of clean water emphasize the importance of environmental data that can address specific problems while also providing predictions of future conditions. The increasing availability of large volumes of different kinds of data offers new opportunities to address these issues. This project… Read more »

Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) – streamlining data curation to accelerate scientific inquiry

Global-scale environmental issues such as food security, the spread of disease, and the availability of clean water emphasize the importance of environmental data that can address specific problems while also providing predictions of future conditions. The increasing availability of large volumes of different kinds of data offers new opportunities to address these issues. This project… Read more »

Collaborative Research: The Environmental Data Initiative – long-term availability of research data

An award is made to provide support to a collaboration between researchers at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and the University of New Mexico for the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI), a comprehensive data repository and data management support organization for the environmental research community. EDI facilitates the publication, use and re-use of environmental data generated… Read more »