Title | Comparative genomic analysis of the thermophilic biomass-degrading fungi Myceliophthora thermophila and Thielavia terrestris |
Authors: | Berka, Randy M ;Grigoriev, Igor V ;Otillar, Robert ;Salamov, Asaf ;Grimwood, Jane ;Reid, Ian ;Ishmael, Nadeeza ;John, Tricia ;Darmond, Corinne ;Moisan, Marie-Claude ;Henrissat, Bernard ;Coutinho, Pedro M ;Lombard, Vincent ;Natvig, Donald O. ;Linquist, Erika ;Schmutz, Jeremy ;Lucas, Susan ;Harris, Paul ;Powlowski, Justin ;Bellemare, Annie ;Taylor, David ;Butler, Gregory ;de Vries, Ronald P ;Allijn, Iris E ;van den Brink, Joost ;Ushinsky, Sophia ;Storms, Reginald ;Powell, Amy J ;Paulsen, Ian T ;Elbourne, Liam D H ;Baker, Scott E ;Magnuson, Jon ;LaBoissiere, Sylvie ;Clutterbuck, A John ;Martinez, Diego ;Wogulis, Mark ;Lopez de Leon, Alfredo ;Rey, Michael W ;Tsang, Adrian |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 2011 |
Volume: | 29 |
Pagination: | 922-927 |
Accession Number: | SEV.587 |
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