
Tilman, D. 1986. A consumer-resource approach to community structure. American Zoologist 26:5-22.
Tilman, D. 1986. Evolution and differentiation in terrestrial plant communities: the importance of the soil resource – light gradient. Pages 359-380 in T. Case and J. Diamond, Eds., Community Ecology, Harper and Row, New York.
Tilman, D. 1986. Nitrogen-limited growth in plants from different successional stages. Ecology 67(2):555-563.
Tilman, D. 1986. Resources, competition and the dynamics of plant communities. Pages 51-75 in Crawley, M. ed., Plant Ecology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
Tilman, D., R. Kiesling, R. Sterner, S.S. Kilham and F.A. Johnson. 1986. Green, bluegreen and diatom algae: taxonomic differences in competitive ability for phosphorus, silicon and nitrogen. Archiv for Hydrobiologie 106(4):473-485.
Tilman, D. 1987. Further thoughts on competition for essential resources. Theoretical Population Biology 32(3):442-446.
Tilman, D. 1987. Secondary succession and the pattern of plant dominance along experimental nitrogen gradients. Ecological Monographs 57:189-214.
Tilman, D. 1987. The importance of the mechanisms of interspecific competition. The American Naturalist 129(5):769-774.
Tilman, D. 1988. On the meaning of competition and the mechanisms of competitive superiority. Functional Ecology 1:304-315.
Tilman, D. 1988. Plant Strategies and the Dynamics and Structure of Plant Communities. Monographs in Population Biology, Princeton University Press. 360 pp. (Includes a 61 page chapter on Cedar Creek , and new theory relevant to Cedar Creek and cross-site comparisons.)
Tilman, D. 1989. Competition, nutrient reduction, and the competitive neighborhood of a bunchgrass. Functional Ecology 3:215-219.
Tilman, D. 1989. Discussion: Population dynamics and species interactions. Pages 89-100 in J. Roughgarden, R. M. May and S. A. Levin, Eds., Perspectives in Ecological Theory. Princeton University Press.
Tilman, D. 1989. Ecological experimentation: strengths and conceptual problems. Pages 136-157 in G. E. Likens, Ed., Long-Term Studies in Ecology. Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Tilman, D. and M.L. Cowan. 1989. Growth of old field herbs on a nitrogen gradient. Functional Ecology 3:425-438.
Tilman, D. 1990. Constraints and tradeoffs: toward a predictive theory of competition and succession. Oikos 58:3-15. (The Per Brink Ecology Lecture).
Tilman, D. 1990. Mechanisms of plant competition for nutrients: the elements of a predictive theory of competition. Pages 117-141 in J. Grace and D. Tilman, Eds., Perspectives on Plant Competition. Academic Press, New York.
Tilman, D. 1991. Relative growth rates and plant allocation patterns. The American Naturalist 138:1269-1275.
Tilman, D. 1991. The schism between theory and ardent empiricism: a reply to Shipley and Peters. The American Naturalist 138:1283-1286.
Tilman, D. and H. Olff. 1991. An experimental study of the effects of pH and nitrogen on grassland vegetation. Acta Oecologica 12(3):427-441.
Tilman, D. and D. Wedin. 1991. Dynamics of nitrogen competition between successional grasses. Ecology 72:1038-1049. (Highlighted in Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 1991).