News items and newsletters from the LTER network

Diane McKnight Reflects on the LTER

The LTER Network Office sat down with Diane McKnight to chat about her life in the Network, the things she’s learned, and her dreams for the LTER moving forward.

LTER at AGU Fall Meeting, 2022

The American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting meets in Chicago this year, and begins on December 12, 2022 and runs until Friday, December 16, 2022.

News from the NCO: 2017 Winter

January 18, 2017 Synthesis The review committee recommended two Synthesis Working Group proposals for funding in the current round. Congratulations to Forest Isbell, Jane M. Cowles, and Laura Dee who will lead Scaling-up productivity responses to changes in biodiversity and Lauren Hallett, Daniel Reuman, Katharine Suding for Synthesizing Population and community synchrony to understand drivers of… Read more »

News from the NCO: 2016 Autumn

November 2, 2016 Synthesis The LTER-NCO received nineteen proposals for Synthesis Working Groups in the October call for proposals. The review committee meets in late November and selections will be announced in December. Meanwhile, the Metacommunities Working Group got started with a bang, hosting a very successful workshop at ESA and their first meeting at… Read more »

News from the NCO: 2016 Summer

Summer 2016 Dear PIs and Site Managers, It was great to see so many of you in Santa Barbara for the LTER Science Council meeting. I hope you enjoyed our lovely city and began to get a sense of where the office is heading. I certainly got a much better feeling for the interests and energy of our wide-ranging… Read more »