How do Ecosystems Recover from Extreme Drought?

A team of Sevilleta LTER researchers are leveraging an existing long-term drought experiment to build critical understanding of dryland ecosystem responses in the aftermath of extreme drought.

Gradient of Soil Fertilization Helps Tundra Shrubs Expand Across the Arctic

Scientists at the Arctic LTER find that different points along a gradient of soil fertility aid ectomycorrhizal and ericaceous tundra shrubs. Their findings hint at the potential for those two types of shrubs to co-expand over the Arctic—a previously unconsidered scenario that could have vast implications for the future of the northern tundra

Remaining Relevant: The Hubbard Brook Online Book

As ecological trends change with a changing climate, the Hubbard Brook Online Book will continue to reflect the most current understanding of the forest ecosystem whenever it is read.

Fungal friendships

By culturing fungi living within salt marsh plants, Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Kylea Garces and PhD student Mya Darsan can learn not only what fungi are present, but how they benefit their plant hosts.