Announcing Mentoring Community-of-Practice

image of larger figure helping smaller figure up the slope of the LTER network logo

Join mentors from across the LTER network to discuss and find support around the challenges that inevitably arise during mentoring. Bring the challenges you are encountering; we’ll leverage our shared expertise toward creating solutions. Come to pick up effective practices from others or to share your own successful strategies. Leave with actionable ideas and a… Read more »

LTER Network Orientation for REUs

20 REU fellows attending the LTER All Scientists' Meeting hold their hands over their heads symbolizing shining their lights.

Participating in research at an LTER site is exciting and stimulating. Multiply that by 27 sites across diverse biomes and the opportunities are mind-boggling. Please join the LTER Network Office and LTER Executive Board Chair Evelyn Gaiser to learn about the science conducted at LTER sites across the country and how you can stay connected…. Read more »

Telling the Right Story, for the Right People, at the Right Time

Telling the Right Story, for the Right People, at the Right Time January 8-March 4, 2017 Trying to set priorities for communicating your sites’ work? Or developing your first professional profile as you search for a job? Building a global reputation or breaking into a new area of research? Come join your LTER colleagues for 8… Read more »