Introduction to the Shortgrass Steppe Long Term Ecological Research Project The Shortgrass Steppe occupies the middle of the productivity gradient along which the LTER grasslands lie. It is unique among North American grasslands for its long evolutionary history of intense selection by both drought and herbivory, leading to an ecosystem that is very well adapted to withstand grazing by domestic livestock (Mack and Thompson 1982, Milchunas et al. 1988). Document Format: html Request for LTER Connectivity Upgrade Support LTER-Plum Island Estuary (PIE) We are applying for LTER Connectivity Upgrade Supplemental funding to provide a high speed T1 connection, a network server and remote data acquisition for monitoring stations at our LTER Plum Island Estuary field station in Rowley, Ma. The high speed (1.54 Mb/s) T1 connection at the field station will be used to facilitate transfer of data over the Internet and data collection from on line equipment while at the site. Document Format: html T1 Upgrade Supplement to DEB 9810218: The Niwot Ridge Long Term Ecological Research Program 1998-2004: Control on the Structure, Function and Interactions of Alpine and Subalpine Ecosystems of the Colorado Front Range A 1993 supplement to our LTER program provided the base funding for the establishment of a T1 facility at the Mountain Research Station (MRS). This line was installed from the Boulder campus to the Marr Laboratory at MRS. Document Format: html Internet supplement March 1999 North Temperate Lakes LTER Supplement Proposal for Enhanced Field Station Internet Access March, 1999 We request an Internet Upgrade supplement (Intellectual Infrastructure) to our North Temperate Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research award (DEB 96-32853) to enhance internet connectivity at our field sites. Document Format: html Request for Intellectual Infrastructure Funds to Support Internet Connectivity and the Schoolyard LTER Program at Konza Prairie and Kansas State University In 1981, the Konza Prairie LTER program was initiated based on a research proposal developed by several Kansas State University scientists to work at a site with few inhabitable buildings. Growth in research, educational programs and facilities has been nearly exponential since that time.
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