Featured Stories: LTER Network Awarded 2010 AIBS Distinguished Scientist Award; LNO completes Operational Plan; NEON developing Airborne Spectrometer; EcoTrends update; Andrews RET Wins National Environmental Prize; Late breaking news; Long Term Trends in Ecological Systems: a basis for understanding responses to global change; Comings and Goings; LNO posts mini-symposium webcasts online; NSF News: NSF completes 2009 site reviews and initiates 30-Year review of the LTER program; Site News: Tornado touches down at SGS LTER; SGS hosts Danish researchers; SGS scientist co-authors special issue of journal; Thirty years of old-growth research; Reflections: Writer-in-Residence receives Burroughs Award; Andrews researchers discover how water moves through soil; Andrews LTER RET wins National Environmental Prize; SGS RIC hosts Wyoming writers; BES Project Director chats with Leaf Litter; BES LTER recognized in new urban ecology textbook; Effects of a rare cold snap on Everglades biota; Education News: Making interdisciplinary research work; Grad student updates; News Briefs: Scott Collins voted LTER Chair-elect; NSF releases Sensational 60 scientific advances; Scientific Report: Endocrine disrupting chemicals in the environment; Informatics Bits And Bytes: LTER introduces LTERMapS; LNO enters 2nd year of DRYAD
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