Industries that release toxins into the environment are more likely to be found in white rather than African-American neighborhoods in Baltimore. Ironically, the present pattern is the product of residential and occupational segregation that privileged white workers with the opportunity to live near factory jobs.
For Further Reading:
Boone C. G. 2002. An Assessment and Explanation of Environmental Inequity in Baltimore. Urban Geography 23: 581-595.
Boone, Christopher G., Buckley, Geoffrey L., Grove, J. Morgan, and Chona Sister. 2009. Parks and People: An Environmental Justice Inquiry in Baltimore, Maryland. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99(4): 1-21.
Pickett, S.T.A., Cadenasso, Mary L, Grove, J. Morgan, Boone, Christopher G., Groffman, Peter M., Irwin, E., Kaushal, Sujay, Marshall, Victoria, McGrath, Brian P., Nilon, Charles H., Pouyat, Richard V., Szlavecz, Katalin, Troy, Austin, and Warren, Paige. 2011. Urban ecological systems: Scientific foundations and a decade of progress. Journal of Environmental Management. 92: 331-362.
For Further Info:
Holly Beyar, Project Facilitator of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, LTER