For Further Reading:
- Peacock, EE et al. 2014. Parasitic infection of the diatom Guinardia delicatula, a recurrent and ecologically important phenomenon on the New England Shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series. doi: 10.3354/ meps10784
- Hunter-Cevera, KR et al. 2016. Physiological and ecological drivers of early spring blooms of a coastal picophytoplankter. Science. doi:10.1126/science.aaf8536
- Rynearson, T et al. 2018. Impacts of microdiversity on succession and organism interactions in the plankton. 2018 Ocean Science Meeting, Portland, OR
- Sosik, HM. 2018. Sequencing, cytometry, and imaging provide complementary assessment of plankton communities in the MVCO time series. ICES Annual Science Conference 2018, Hamburg, Germany
For Further Info:
- Heidi Sosik
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