Several soil cores were collected in each plot to sample root biomass. Soil coring allows observation of belowground growth without ripping up plants.
Researchers collect aboveground biomass and record data in Nutrient Network plots.
Nutrient Network Plots at the Cedar Creek LTER site. Square plots have had different combinations of nutrients added. Differences in aboveground growth as a result of nutrient addition are visible across plots.
The autumnal color contrast between trees is striking in the Forests and Biodiversity experiment of Cedar Creek LTER. Credit: Maria Park, CC BY-SA 4.0
Maria smiles after collecting leaves, on which she will measure predawn water status (water potential).
Caption: The BioCON experiment at Cedar Creek LTER focuses on understanding the interactions between carbon dioxide concentration, nutrients, and biodiversity. Credit: Susan Barrott. Cedar Creek LTER. CC-BY 4.0
Savanna bur oaks during a spring controlled burn at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Reserve LTER. Susan Barrott CC BY-SA 4.0