Opportunity Type:

The Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory is seeking applicants for Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) positions. REU positions are available only to U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents who are currently enrolled as undergraduates at U.S. colleges or universities (no graduating seniors). Contingent on COVID-19 restrictions, we anticipate that the REUs will participate in ecosystem research near Toolik Lake on the North Slope of Alaska. If access to Toolik is restricted, please indicate in your cover letter if you are willing to work remotely on a data analysis project. There might also be opportunities for lab-based projects for students living near one of our participating institutions or universities and do not need housing. Although located off site, students accepted into the REU program must register with the MBL education department so that they can participate in virtual activities with the rest of the MBL community, including other REU scholars.

In addition to gaining experience by assisting on a variety of project activities, REU students typically engage in a small independent project that is linked to larger studies of lakes, streams, tundra or land-water interactions. REU participants are expected to collect and analyze data and to produce a poster describing their project near the end of the field season.

We anticipate funding for support of at least two REU positions during the 2021 field season, both in association with the Arctic LTER project (http://arc-lter.ecosystems.mbl.edu/).

Candidates for these jobs should be available to live at Toolik Field Station for 8-10 weeks during June, July and August. In addition to a stipend ($600/week), travel to Toolik Field Station is paid for by grant funds as well as the cost of room and board at the station.

Physical Requirements: Applicants should be in good health, capable of rigorous outdoor activity, and prepared to live in a field camp where cooperation with others is essential, personal privacy is limited, and living accommodations are spare and simple.

Apply online: https://go.mbl.edu/resea01279