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Oyster Reef Soundscapes (VCR)

Martin Volaric (UVA Environmental Sciences) & Eli Stine (Music) Researchers studying intertidal oyster reefs are using sound recordings as a proxy for reef activity. During Summer 2018, researchers at the VCR-LTER made a series of recordings with two goals in mind:Credit: Cora Ann Johnston1) Pair sound with environmental measurements to study how reefs respond to… Read more »

Environmental History of the McMurdo Dry Valleys (MCM)

As part of their current project, researchers at MCM LTER are writing a detailed study on the environmental history of the McMurdo Dry Valleys. The monograph will be available online and published as a book with an academic press. For more information visit the McMurdo Dry Valleys History website.

Art & Ecology (VCR)

Each year, art and science teachers are invited to Art and Ecology workshops that link Plein Aire landscape painting and observational drawing to salt marsh ecology and climate change impacts on coastal ecosystems. Nearly 30 teachers per year participate in these professional development opportunities, and over half return for a 2nd workshop. Workshops focus on… Read more »

Collaboration with artist Cynthia Rubin (NES)

Biological oceanographer Susanne Menden-Deuer at the University of Rhode Island has an ongoing collaboration with artist Cynthia Rubin. Murals are on display on the doors to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) PI labs, while other art is showcased during exhibits and conferences. Project Status: Ongoing

STEAM with Falmouth High School (NES)

Several WHOI PIs have participated in the “STEAM” program with Falmouth High School art teacher Jane Baker. The STEAM educational movement advocates for the integration of Arts (“A”) into more traditional grouping of STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). For more information, visit Ann Tarrant’s website. Project Status: Completed

Painting in Plein Air (KNZ)

Lisa Grossman‘s work ranges from depicting the role of fire in maintaining the tallgrass ecosystem to traditional landscape studies. Grossman has lectured on her plein air work during the Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences capstone course for Kansas State University and the KNZ LTER research group. Her paintings are available at Strecker-Nelson West Gallery in… Read more »

After the Burn (KNZ)

Kansas State University Associate Professor of Art Erin Wiersma creates “paintings” using charred prairie biomass by working directly with the researchers during prescribed watershed burns at Konza Prairie Biological Station. She delivered a public lecture in February 2019 at the Mariana Kistler Beach Museum of Art, Kansas State University (After the Burn: Artist talk by… Read more »