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Leveraging Instructions

Leveraging NSF program officers have requested information on leveraging of NSF funds. They are interested in this information because it allows them to showcase the additional resources that LTER sites invest in research beyond the LTER grants. Using the linked spreadsheet, please list all LTER-related grants larger than $25K between 2008 and 2018, with full… Read more »

LTER Publications and Products Instructions

We are asking sites to provide a BibTex file of publications and products that could not have been produced without LTER support. Sites maintain records of their publications in different systems (Zotero, DEIMS, EndNote, custom databases), but everyone should be able to export a BibTex file. The LNCO will combine all the files from sites and… Read more »

Personnel Update Instructions

If your personnel data is up-to-date and complete, we already have a list of current investigators, including postdocs, graduate students and undergraduates, which was sent to Lead PIs, Information Managers, and Program Managers on January 18, 2019. Please update that file as follows: Add people who are not on the list, with all accompanying information except username…. Read more »