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Communication Resources

Communicators and outreach personnel at LTER sites come from a  wide variety of backgrounds. Some are trained as scientists and gravitated to outreach and communications as they saw the need. Others have worked as educators, reporters, or communications professionals before coming to the LTER Network. By learning from each other's strengths, we build the Network's... Read more »

Role of the LTER Network Office

The LTER Network Office (LNO) facilitates both internal and external communications for the LTER Network. With over 2000 scientists working on questions that range from coral resilience to the role of fire in carbon storage, no single office could provide an exhaustive catalog of LTER science. Rather, the LNO aims to raise the profile of… Read more »

Travel and Logistics

LTER synthesis working groups are awarded through a competitive proposal process and many take place at NCEAS in Santa Barbara. In addition to supporting working groups and other collaborations, the NCO also makes occasional travel awards. Information on this page provides the most frequently needed resources and answers basic questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact NCO… Read more »

Education Overview

Because LTER sites are able to maintain a persistent presence in the community over many years, researchers and education specialists are able to develop long-lasting relationships with local and regional educators and their students. Working in partnership with teachers and university faculty, they develop science curriculum materials that draw on the sites’ extensive data resources,… Read more »

40 Year-Old Samples Confirm a Modern Hypothesis

Hubbard Brook LTER investigator Myron Mitchell talks with Living on Earth’s Steve Curwood.  Isotope data from Hubbard Brook’s 40 year history of streamwater samples helped confirm the hypothesis that the source of precipitation in the northeastern U.S. has been changing as the Arctic has been melting.

REU Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (2016)

Undergraduate Research Experience Opportunities NEW NSF REU Experience for Undergraduates with the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN), Summer 2016. We are pleased to announce two opportunities for undergraduate students to participate this summer in interdisciplinary research associated with urban infrastructure resilience and community vulnerability in the face of extreme weather-related events…. Read more »