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Final Report (pdf)

Abstract_World Lakes_Lathrop_2001

Final Report (pdf)

Proposal for Defining the Schoolyard LTER Program: Priorities, Infrastructure, and Communications working group

Final Report_Laws

Final Report from Invertebrate Impacts on Ecosystem Services under Climate Change: A Synthesis Using Insights from the LTER Network- PI Angela Laws. October 2009.

Long-Term Effects of Land Use History on Carbon and Water Balance – final report

Many LTER sites and research projects outside the LTER Network are demonstrating
there are common patterns to land use history. However, there is major uncertainty in our understanding of the effects of land use on the global patterns of carbon and water exchange. The LTER Network is in a unique position to address this topic because of the availability of longterm ecological and socio-economic data sets, and interdisciplinary research teams. These are not often found outside the LTER Network.