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Read the LTER Network News Spring 2013

The latest Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network newsletter is out. The first this year, LTER Network News Spring 2013, Vol. 26 No. 1 includes stories about the recent LTER min-symposium and the Ecological Reflections exhibit at NSF, various news items from around the Network and sites, education, a scientific report, a new children’s book,… Read more »

NSF publishes Discovery booklet

The National Science Foundation (NSF) publication has published a booklet of ten collected LTER Discovery articles written by Cheryl Dybas in NSF’s Office of Legislative and Public Affairs. The booklet is now available for download in PDF form on the LTER Network website (

LNO Org Chart

Org chart. The original is with George Garcia

NSF “Discoveries in Long-Term Ecological Research”

NSF “Discoveries in Long-Term Ecological Research”
The NSF discovery articles on LTER research compiled into one publication. Hard copies are available from the NSF.
There will also be a URL for the publication in about a week or so, and will forward that.
This was modeled after the NSF SEES discovery publication.

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 2013

It’s a busy time for LTER information managers, as the 21 articles from 27 authors in this Spring 2013 issue of Databits can attest. We have an astounding number of workshop reports and announcements and network working group project updates this time, running from information management systems to sensor networks to GIS to NIS components…. Read more »

LTER Directory

If you need to find someone in the LTER Network please go here: