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LTER Strategic and Implementation Plan

The Strategic and Implementation Plan (SIP) for the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER): Research and Education 2011. This document summarizes and then details strategies for building on past success to realize the vision of the LTER. Activities are prioritized in five key areas: Research, Education, Communication, Information Management, and Coordination with other Networks. The time frame for this plan is five years, to be updated annually.

Synthesis Data (currently inactive)

The synthesis data committee was active in 2010-2011. In 2016, many of the tasks and activities that were the focus of the synthesis data committee fell under the purview of the Environmental Data Initiative.

LTERMapS Internet Mapping

Report from the LTERMapS Internet Mapping 2009 Post ASM Workshop. The LTERMapS team met March 29-April 1, 2010, at the Network Office in Albuquerque, NM. Team members are Theresa Valentine (AND), Jonathan Walsh (BES), Jamie Hollingsworth (BNZ), Adam Skibbe (KNZ), and John Carpenter (GCE). The following LNO staff also participated: John Vande Castle, Marshall White, Yang Xia, and James Brunt. Two video teleconference calls were held with the LTER IM community during the workshop. The goal of the meeting was to complete the migration of Phase 1 to the LNO and build a