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DataBits Newsletter, Summer 1990

Welcome to the summer 1990 issue of DATABITS! This issue features the agenda of the upcoming data manager’s meeting, a report on the most recent LTER Coordinating Committee meeting, reports from the sites and some hints on using Unix and MSDOS. Table of Contents From the Sites -BNZ Phyllis Adams 1 -HFR Emery Boose 1… Read more »

Network News Issue 7 Spring 1990

Hurricane Hugo: Rebuilding and Research at Two LTER Sites… North Inlet Marsh-Estuary LTER Site… The Role of LTER Sites in Global Change Research… Possible Antarctic LTER Site by September 1990… The UNESCO/MAB Global Change Meeting… Data Management Update… John Vande Castle Joins LTER Network Office… The Coweeta LTER Site… The Niwot Ridge/Green Lakes Valley LTER Site… The Jornada Experimental Range… The Evolution of a Network… GIS Workshop… International LTER Teleconference… HBR and HFR Fieldtrip Notes… An Earthquake at the SEV LTER Site… Introducing the New Pacific Northwest Natural Resourc

LTER DataBits Fall 1989

This is the premier issue of an LTER-wide version of DATABITS. Its purpose is to disseminate information relevant to data manangement between data
managers and PI’s within the LTER network. DATABITS can only be as successful as members of the LTER community make it. If you come across a
tidbit of news, a good software package or a hardware hint that might be of some general interest, please send a paragraph or two to the editor for
inclusion in the next DATABITS.

Network News Issue 6 Fall 1989

Intersite Models, Central Plains site, Hubbard Brook site, W.K. Kellogg site, New Mexico Field Trips, Calendar

DataBits Newsletter, Fall 1989

This is the premier issue of an LTER-wide version of DATABITS. Its purpose is to disseminate information relevant to data manangement between data managers and PI’s within the LTER network. DATABITS can only be as successful as members of the LTER community make it. If you come across a tidbit of news, a good software… Read more »

1989 Data Management Workshop Report

The August 1989 LTER Data Managers’ workshop focused on developing solutions and avenues of communication to solve commonly experienced problems and meet future technological challenges.

Network News Issue 5 Spring 1989

Developing a Functional LTER Network… News from ARC VCR and BNZ LTER Sites… ENSO and Climate-1989… Upcoming Workshop on Tree mortality… Are Deserts More Variable Than Lakes… EPA Plans for Initiatives in Ecological Research… The Six-year Review and Renewal Process… Funding Opportunities for Long-term Research…