If your personnel data is up-to-date and complete, we already have a list of current investigators, including postdocs, graduate students and undergraduates, which was sent to Lead PIs, Information Managers, and Program Managers on January 18, 2019.

Please update that file as follows:

  1. Add people who are not on the list, with all accompanying information except username.
  2. Do not delete LTER participants who are no longer associated with the project, simply add “former” in the eduPersonEntitlement column.
  3. Add the new fields (Gender, Year of PhD, LTER-supported, LTER-thesis, Institution, type of institution) to existing people. Include that information at least back to 2008, if at all possible. We are requesting this additional information because NSF is very interested in knowing how inclusive the LTER Network is. It would be a powerful statement if we could say that the 28 sites include investigators from XX institutions, including YY minority-serving and ZZ primarily undergraduate institutions.
  4. Naming convention for your updated file: XXX-people-YYYY-MM where XXX=site acronym; YYYY=Year; and MM=numeric month.

Item 8 (ORCID) is not critical for the review, but supports ongoing efforts to build more robust investigator profiles.

Please work from the site-data that your IM has received. the linked Excel spreadsheet (LTER-people-exampleis only provided as an example.

Existing Personnel Information (last updated August 2018)

Full details of role definitions and specific instructions available here: https://lternet.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Site-Personnel-List-Instructions-2018.08.30.pdf)

  1. Userid
  2. Given-Name
  3. Surname
  4. Site (multiple site affiliations allowed, separate with pipe (|) symbol)
  5. Email Address (multiple email addresses allowed, separate with pipe (|) symbol)
  6. LTER-Role (Options: Lead Principal Investigator ● Co-Principal Investigator ● Investigator ● Postdoctoral Associate ● Graduate Student ● Undergraduate Student ● Information Manager ● Education Manager ● Other Professional ● Administrative ● Other Staff ● Interested Party ● Retired); multiple entries allowed, separate with pipe (|) symbol
  7. Status: (Options: current ● former) – controls website display
  8. ORCID (when feasible)

New Personnel Information 

  1. Gender (Options: male ● female ● other ● unspecified)
  2. Year of PhD, so that we can maintain a continuing current estimate of early career investigators (<5 years post-PhD)
  3. LTER-supported: (Options: full ● partial ● none)
  4. LTER-thesis:  (Options: undergraduate  ● masters ● doctoral ● other)
  5. Institutional affiliation: (name of primary institution)
  6. Type of institution (Options: research-university  ● masters-university ● baccalaureate-college ● associate-college  ● tribal-university ● minority-serving-institution ● professional-school). Multiple entries allowed, separate with pipe (|) symbol