
Herrick, J.E.;Courtright, E.;Bestelmeyer, B.T.;Burkett, L.M.;Havstad, K.M.;Laliberte, A.;Rango, A.;Repp, J.;Van Zee, J.W. 2006. New tools for rangeland and pasture monitoring : 309-314. bibliography/07-037.pdf.
Wergin, W.P.;Rango, A.;Foster, J.;Josberger, E.;Erbe, E.R.;Pooley, C.D. 2006. Observations of snow and ice crystals with low temperature scanning electron microscopy (Review) : 3-14.
Voinov, A.;Hood, R.;Daues, J.D. 2006. Building a community modeling and information sharing culture : Workshop 13.
Laliberte, A.;Koppa, J.;Fredrickson, E.L.;Rango, A. 2006. Comparison of nearest neighbor and rule-based decision tree classification in an object-oriented environment CDROM: . bibliography/06-074Proc.pdf.
Laliberte, A.S.;Rango, A.;Fredrickson, E.L. 2006. Separating Green and Senescent Vegetation in Very High Resolution Photography Using an Intensity-Hue-Saturation Transformation and Object Based Classification : CDROM. bibliography/06-071Proc.pdf.
Barrow, J.R.;Lucero, M.E.;Reyes-Vera, I. 2006. Symbiotic fungi that influence vigor, biomass and reproductive potential of native bunch grasses for remediation of degraded semiarid rangelands
Sedillo, R.L.;Lucero, M.E.;Barrow, J.R.;Reyes-Vera, I. 2006. What does an endophyte look like? Endophyte profiles of native grasses and shrubs
Bestelmeyer, B.T.;Tugel, A.;Peacock, G.;Sanchez, H. 2006. A three-tiered approach for coupled vegetation and soil sampling to develop ecological descriptions
Anderson, D.M. 2006. Virtual Fencing – A Concept into Reality : 61-91. bibliography/06-073Proc.pdf.
Rango, A.;Vivoni, E.;Gutzler, D.;Hurd, B.;Bestelmeyer, S. 2007. Future climate change impacts on New Mexico's mountain sources of water : CDROM. bibliography/08-054.pdf.
Schwager, M.;Anderson, D.M.;Rus, D. 2007. Data-driven identification of group dynamics for motion prediction and control
Rango, A.;Martinec, J.;Roberts, R.T. 2007. Relative importance of glacier contributions to streamflow in a changing climate : 203-207. bibliography/07-024.pdf.
Lucero, M.E.;Estell, R.E.;Anderson, D.M.;Fredrickson, E.L.;Remmenga, M.  Kitchen, S.G. 2007. Differences in volatile profiles between populations of Ceratoides lanata var. subspinosa (Rydb.) J.T. Howell RMRS-P-47: 142-146.
Barrow, J.R.;Lucero, M.;Osuna, P.;Reyes, I.;Aaltonen, R.E. 2007. Fungal genomes that influence basic physiological processes that enhance survival of black grama and fourwing saltbush in arid southwestern rangelands : 123-131.
Laliberte, A.;Rango, A.;Herrick, J.E. 2007. Unmanned aerial vehicles for rangeland mapping and monitoring: a comparison of two systems : CDROM. bibliography/07-033.pdf.
Laliberte, A.;Rango, A. 2008. Incorporation of texture, intensity, hue, and saturation for rangeland monitoring with unmanned aircraft imagery XXXVII: 4/C1. bibliography/08-046.pdf.
Brown, J.;Sampson, N. 2008. Integrating terrestrail sequestration into a national greenhouse gas management program
Laliberte, A.;Winters, C.;Rango, A. 2008. A procedure for orthorectification of sub-decimeter resolution imagery obtained with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) bibliography/08-047.pdf.
Rango, A.;Laliberte, A.;Herrick, J.E.;Winters, C.;Havstad, K.M. 2008. Development of an operational UAV / Remote sensing capability for rangeland management : CDROM 9 pp.. bibliography/08-048.pdf.
Laliberte, A.;Rango, A. 2008. Correlation of object-based texture measures at mutliple scales in sub-decimeter resolution aerial photography XXXVII4/C1: . bibliography/08-045.pdf.