
Swanson, Frederick J. ;Johnson, Sherri L. ;Snyder, Kai U. ;Acker, Steven A. 2001. Disturbance of aquatic and riparian systems in a mountain river network [Abstract] : 204.
Lajtha, Kate ;Spears, Julie D. H. ;Holub, Scott M. ;Yano, Yuriko ;Caldwell, Bruce A. 2001. Detrital controls on SOM and nutrient dynamics in an old-growth forest soil [Abstract] : 137.
Yano, Yuriko ;Lajtha, Kate ;Sollins, Phillip ;Caldwell, Bruce A. ;Spears, Julie D. H. 2001. Characteristics of dissolved organic matter and its stabilization in forest soil [Abstract] : 240-241.
Spears, Julie D. H. ;Lajtha, Kate 2001. Coarse woody debris may influence soil chemistry and direct pedogenesis towards podzolization in the Oregon Cascades [Abstract] : 210.
Holub, Scott M. ;Lajtha, Kate 2001. The fate and retention of organic and inorganic nitrogen in a western Oregon coniferous forest [Abstract] : 115-116.
Lajtha, Kate ;Caldwell, Bruce A. ;Bowden, Richard D. ;Coleman, David C. ;Currie, William S. ;Hobbie, S. ;McDowell, William H. ;Moore, J. ;Nadelhoffer, Knute J. ;Toth, Janos A. 2000. DIRT: a cross-continental, experimental study of forest SOM and N dynamics [Abstract]
Yano, Yuriko ;Lajtha, Kate ;Sollins, Phillip ;Caldwell, Bruce A. ;Spears, Julie D. H. 2000. Characteristics of DOC and its stabilization in forest soils [Abstract]
Harmon, Mark E. 2000. Decomposition and movement of wood in Lookout Creek, Oregon [Abstract] : 42.
Faustini, John M. ;Jones, Julia A. 2000. Influence of large wood on the morphology and dynamics of a 3rd order mountain stream, western Cascades, Oregon [Abstract] : 32.
Gregory, Stanley V. 2000. Modeling dynamics of wood in streams and rivers [Abstract] : 10.
Swanson, Frederick J. 2000. Wood in landscapes and river networks [Abstract] : 9.
Yatskov, Mikhail ;Harmon, Mark E. ;Krankina, Olga N.  Kim, Eun-Shik//Oh, Jeong Soo 1999. A chronosequence of wood decomposition in the boreal forests of Russia [Abstract] : 193.
Harmon, Mark E. 1998. Establishing a long-term, broad-scale ecosystem experiment on climatic versus litter controls of litter decomposition [Abstract] : 182.
Johnson, Sherri L. ;Jones, Julia A. 2000. Spatial and temporal dynamics of stream temperature: geomorphic and riparian influences [Abstract] Bulletin NABS 17(1): 119.
Bayley, Peter ;Burgess, Jack A. ;Gregory, Stanley V. 2000. Biases in estimating fish populations due to large wood and other physical habitat in Oregon Cascade streams [Abstract] : 113.
Gregory, Stanley V. ;Ashkenas, Linda R. ;Wildman, Randall C. ;Meleason, Mark A. ;Lienkaemper, George W. 2000. Long-term dynamics of large wood in a third-order Cascade mountain stream [Abstract] : 95.
Jones, Julia A. ;Post, David A. 1999. Ecological implications of long-term streamflow records from forested basins in Oregon, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Puerto Rico [Abstract] : 266.
Acker, Steven A. ;Johnson, Sherri L. ;Swanson, Frederick J. ;Kennedy, G. S. 1999. Interactions of riparian vegetation and geomorphology from the stand to watershed scale in the western Cascade Range of Oregon [Abstract] : 5.
Swanson, Frederick J. ;Cissel, John H. ;Weisberg, Peter J. ;Whitlock, Cathy L. 1999. Use of paleorecords in forest landscape management, Oregon Cascades [Abstract] : 36.
Wallin, David O. ;Heyerdahl, Emily K. ;Foster, Jonathon S. 1999. Paleo-landscape ecology: reconstructing the spatial and temporal dynamics of Pacific Northwest forests [Abstract] : 38.