
Ares, F.N. 1953. Better cattle distribution through the use of meal-salt mix 6: 341-346. bibliography/076.pdf.
Ares, F.N. 1953. Mountain or mesa range; a comparison of costs and returns determines relative value of each 44: 104-105. bibliography/077.pdf.
Ares, F.N. 1952. Size and composition of the herd 34: 14, 16, 18. bibliography/075.pdf.
Koger, M.;Mankin, J. D. 1952. Heritability of intensity of red color in Hereford cattle 63: 15-17.
Chapline, W.R. 1951. Range management history and philosophy 49: 634-638. bibliography/074.pdf.
Koger, M.;Knox, J. H. 1951. The correlation between gains made at different periods by cattle 10: 760-763.
Gardner, J. L. 1951. Vegetation of the creosotebush area of the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico 21: 379-403.
Watkins, W. E.;Knox, J. H. 1950. The relation of the carotene content of range forage to the vitamin A requirement of breeding cows 9: 24-29.
Parker, K. W. 1949. Control of noxious range plants in a range management program 2: 128-132. bibliography/072.pdf.
Chapline, W.R. 1949. Range research, the foundation for range management and improvement 41: 72-75. bibliography/071.pdf.
Canfield, R.H. 1948. New grass for old 30: 30-31. bibliography/069.pdf.
Canfield, R.H. 1948. Perennial grass composition as an indicator of condition of Southwestern mixed grass ranges 29: 190-204. bibliography/070.pdf.
Watkins, W. E.;Knox, J. H. 1948. Inorganic blood phosphorus levels necessary for satisfactory production of range cattle in the southwest 3: 263-272.
Gile, Leland H. 1961. A classification of ca horizons in soils of a desert region, Dona Ana County, New Mexico 25: 52-61.
Ares, F.N. 1961. Cry alarm . . . killer loose . . . 29: 26-27. bibliography/083.pdf.
Knipe, D.;Herbel, C.H. 1960. The effects of limited moisture on germination and initial growth of six grass species 13: 297-302. bibliography/082.pdf.
Blackwell, R. L.;Knox, J. H.;Cobb, E. H. 1959. A hydrocephalic lethal in Hereford cattle 60: 143-148.
Herbel, Carlton, H.;Anderson, Kling L. 1959. Response of True Prairie Vegetation on Major Flint Hills Range Sites to Grazing Treatment 29: 171-186. bibliography/081.pdf or
Herbel, C.H.;Ares, F.N.;Bridges, J. O. 1958. Hand-grubbing mesquite in the semidesert grassland 11: 267-270. bibliography/080.pdf.
Branscomb, Bruce L. 1958. Shrub invasion of a southern New Mexico desert grassland range 11: 129-132.