
Penn, C. A.;Wemple, B. C.;Campbell, J. L. 2012. Forest influences on snow accumulation and snowmelt at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA 26: 2524-2534.
Pourmokhtarian, A.;Driscoll, C. T.;Campbell, J. L.;Hayhoe, K. 2012. Modeling potential hydrochemical responses to climate change and increasing CO2 at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest using a dynamic biogeochemical model (PnET-BGC) 48: .
Raciti, S. M.;Fahey, T. J.;Thomas, R. Q.;Woodbury, P. B.;Driscoll, C. T.;Carranti, F. J.;Foster, D. R.;Gwyther, P. S.;Hall, B. R.;Hamburg, S. P.;Jenkins, J. C.;Neill, C.;Peery, B. W.;Quigley, E. E.;Sherman, R.;Vadeboncoeur, M. A.;Weinstein, D. A.;Wilson, G. 2012. Local-Scale Carbon Budgets and Mitigation Opportunities for the Northeastern United States 62 (1): 23-38.
Rastetter, E. B.;Yanai, R. D.;Thomas, R. Q.;Vadeboncoeur, M. A.;Fahey, T. J.;Fisk, M. C.;Kwiatkowski, B. L.;Hamburg, S. P. 2012. Recovery from disturbance requires resynchronization of ecosystem nutrient cycles 23 (3): 621-642.
Reiners, W. A.;Driese, K. L.;Fahey, T. J.;Gerow, K. G. 2012. Effects of Three Years of Regrowth Inhibition on the Resilience of a Clear-cut Northern Hardwood Forest 15 (8): 1351-1362.
Reinmann, A. B.;Templer, P. H.;Campbell, J. L. 2012. Severe soil frost reduces losses of carbon and nitrogen from the forest floor during simulated snowmelt: A laboratory experiment 44 (1): 65-74.
Ross, Donald S.;Shanley, James B.;Campbell, John L.;Lawrence, Gregory B.;Bailey, Scott W.;Likens, Gene E.;Wemple, Beverley C.;Fredriksen, Guinevere;Jamison, Austin E. 2012. Spatial patterns of soil nitrification and nitrate export from forested headwaters in the northeastern United States 117 (G1): .
Ross, D. S.;Shanley, J. B.;Campbell, J. L.;Lawrence, G. B.;Bailey, S. W.;Likens, G. E.;Wemple, B. C.;Fredriksen, G.;Jamison, A. E. 2012. Spatial patterns of soil nitrification and nitrate export from forested headwaters in the northeastern United States 117: .
Rustad, L.;Campbell, J.;Dukes, J. S.;Huntington, T.;Lambert, K. F.;Mohan, J.;Rodenhouse, N. 2012. Changing climate, changing forests: The impacts of climate change on forests of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada NRS-99: 48.
Rustad, L. E.;Campbell, J. L. 2012. A novel ice storm manipulation experiment in a northern hardwood forest 9 (42): 1810-1818.
Sridevi, G.;Minocha, R.;Turlapati, S. A.;Goldfarb, K. C.;Brodie, E. L.;Tisa, L. S.;Minocha, S. C. 2012. Soil bacterial communities of a calcium-supplemented and a reference watershed at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), New Hampshire, USA 79 (3): 728-740.
Ross, D. S.;Bailey, S. W.;Lawrence, G. B.;Shanley, J. B.;Fredriksen, G.;Jamison, A. E.;Brousseau, P. A. 2011. Near-surface soil carbon, carbon/nitrogen ratio, and tree species are tightly linked across northeastern United States watersheds 57 (6): 460-469.
Schaberg, P. G.;Minocha, R.;Long, S.;Halman, J. M.;Hawley, G. J.;Eagar, C. 2011. Calcium addition at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest increases the capacity for stress tolerance and carbon capture in red spruce (Picea rubens) trees during the cold season 25 (6): 1053-1061.
Schwarzkopf, T.;Riha, S. J.;Fahey, T. J.;Degloria, S. 2011. Are cloud forest tree structure and environment related in the Venezuelan Andes? 36 (3): 280-289.
Schwenk, W. S.;Strong, A. M. 2011. Contrasting patterns and combined effects of moose and insect herbivory on striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum) 12 (1): 64-71.
Stange, E. E.;Ayres, M. P.;Bess, J. A. 2011. Concordant population dynamics of Lepidoptera herbivores in a forest ecosystem 34 (5): 772-779.
Sverdrup, H.;McDonnell, T. C.;Sullivan, T. J.;Nihlgård, B.;Belyazid, S.;Rihm, B.;Porter, E.;Bowman, W. D.;Geiser, L. 2011. Testing the Feasibility of Using the ForSAFE-VEG Model to Map the Critical Load of Nitrogen to Protect Plant Biodiversity in the Rocky Mountains Region, USA 223 (1): 371-387.
van Doorn, N. S.;Battles, J. J.;Fahey, T. J.;Siccama, T. G.;Schwarz, P. A. 2011. Links between biomass and tree demography in a northern hardwood forest: a decade of stability and change in Hubbard Brook Valley, New Hampshire 41 (7): 1369-1379.
Wyman, K. E.;Rodenhouse, N. L.;Bank, M. S. 2011. Mercury Biomaccumulation, Speciation adn Influence on Web Structure in Orb-weaving Spiders from a Forested Watershed 30 (8): 1873-1878.
Bain, D. J.;Green, M. B.;Campbell, J. L.;Chamblee, J. F.;Chaoka, S.;Fraterrigo, J. M.;Kaushal, S. S.;Martin, S. L.;Jordan, T. E.;Parolari, A. J.;Sobczak, W. V.;Weller, D. E.;Wollheim, W. M.;Boose, E. R.;Duncan, J. M.;Gettel, G. M.;Hall, B. R.;Kumar, P.;Thompson, J. R.;Vose, J. M.;Elliott, E. M.;Leigh, D. S. 2012. Legacy Effects in Material Flux: Structural Catchment Changes Predate Long-Term Studies 62 (6): 575-584.