
Groffman, P. M. ;Hardy, J. P. ;Fisk, M. C. ;Fahey, T. J. ;Driscoll, C. T. 2009. Climate variation and soil carbon and nitrogen cycling processes in a northern hardwood forest 12 (6): 927-943.
Fahey, T. J. ;Woodbury, P. B. ;Battles, J. J. ;Goodale, C. L. ;S. Hamburg, S. ;Ollinger, S. ;Woodall, C. W. 2009. Forest Carbon Storage: Ecology, Management and Policy DOI: 10.1890/080169: .
Dittman, J. A. ;Shanley, J. B. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Aiken, G. R. ;Chalmers, A. T. ;Towse, J. E. 2009. Ultraviolet absorbance as a proxy for total dissolved mercury in streams 157: 1953-1956.
Conley, D. J. ;Paerl, H. W. ;Howarth, R. W. ;Boesch, D. F. ;Seitzinger, S. P. ;Havens, K. E. ;Lancelot, C. ;Likens, G. E. 2009. Response to Letters 'Controlling eutrophication: nitrogen and phosphorus' 324: 721-725.
Cho, Y. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Blum, J. 2009. The effects of a whole-watershed calcium addition on the chemistry of stream storm events at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in NH, USA 407 (20): 5392-5401.
Campbell, J. L. ;Rustad, L. E. ;Boyer, E. W. ;Christopher, S. F. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Fernandez, I. J. ;Groffman, P. M. ;Houle, D. ;Kiekbusch, J. ;Magill, A. H. ;Mitchell, M. J. ;Ollinger, S. V. 2009. Consequences of climate change for biogeochemical cycling in forets of northeastern North America 39: 264-284.
Bradford, J. ;Weishampel, P. ;Smith, M.-L. ;Kolka, R. ;Birdsey, R. A. ;Ollinger, S. V. ;Ryan, M. G. 2009. Detrital carbon pools in temperate forests: magnitude and potential for landscape-scale assessment 39: 802-813.
Bradford, J. ;Weishampel, P. ;Smith, M.-L. ;Kolka, R. ;Birdsey, R. A. ;Ollinger, S. V. ;Ryan, M. G. 2009. Carbon pools and fluxes in small temperate forest landscapes: Variability and implications for sampling design doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2009.04.009: .
Bade, D. L. ;Bouchard, K. ;Likens, G. E. 2009. Algal co-limitation by N and P persists after 30 years in Mirror Lake (New Hampshire, USA) 30 (7): 1121-1123.
Warby, R. A. F. ;Johnson, C. E. ;Driscoll, C. T. 2008. Changes in aluminum concentrations and speciation in surface waters across the northeastern U.S.A. following reductions in acidic deposition: 1986 – 2001 42: 8668-8674.
Fisk, M. C. ;Fahey, T. J. ;Groffman, P. M. 2010. Carbon resources, soil organisms, and nitrogen availability: landscape patterns in a northern hardwood forest 260 (7): 1175-1183.
Dittman, J. A. ;Shanley, J. B. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Aiken, G. R. ;Chalmers, A. T. ;Towse, J. E. ;Selvendiran, P. 2010. Mercury dynamics in relation to dissolved organic carbon concentration and quality during high flow events in three northeastern U.S. streams 46:W07522, doi: 10.1029/2009WR008351: .
Demers, J. D. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Shanley, J. B. 2010. Mercury mobilization and episodic stream acidification during snowmelt: Role of hydrologic flow paths, source areas, and supply of dissolved organic carbon DOI:10.1029/2008WR007021: .
Christenson, L. M. ;Mitchell, M. J. ;Groffman, P. M. ;Lovett, G. M. 2010. Winter climate change implications for decomposition in Northeastern forests: Comparisons of sugar maple litter to herbivore fecal inputs DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02115.x: .
Campbell, J. L. ;Ollinger, S. V. ;Flerchinger, G. N. ;Wicklein, H. ;Hayhoe, K. ;Bailey, A. S. 2010. Past and projected future changes in snowpack and soil frost at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA 24: 2465-2480.
Wu, W. ;Driscoll, C. T. 2009. Application of PnET-BGC – an integrated biogeochemical model – to assess ANC recovery in the Adirondack region of New York under three multi-pollutant proposals 378: 299-312.
Woodside, C. 2009. Water flow studies at low elevations in the Whites provide climate record Summer/Fall: 145-148.
Weeks, B.C. ;Hamburg, S. P. ;Vadeboncoeur, M. A. 2009. Ice storm effects on the canopy structure of a northern hardwood forest after 8 years 39 (8): 1475-1483.
Warby, R. A. F. ;Johnson, C. E. ;Driscoll, C. T. 2009. Continuing acidification of organic soils across the northeastern U.S.A.: 1984-2001 73: 274-284.
Tominaga, K. ;Aherne, J. ;Watmough, S. A. ;Alvetag, M. ;Cosby, B. J. ;Driscoll, C. T. ;Posch, M. 2009. Voyage without constellation: evaluating the performance of three uncalibrated process-oriented models 40 (2-3): 261-272.