
Tjoelker, M;Oleksyn, J;Lee, T;Reich, P 2001. Direct inhibition of leaf dark respiration by elevated CO2 is minor in 12 grassland species 150 (2): 419-424.
Tjoelker, M;Oleksyn, J;Reich, P 2001. Modelling respiration of vegetation: evidence for a general temperature-dependent Q10 7: 223-230.
Wright, I;Reich, P;Westoby, M 2001. Strategy shifts in leaf physiology, structure and nutrient content between species of high- and low-rainfall and high- and low-nutrient habitats 15: 423-434.
Bradley, K;Drijber, R;Knops, J 2002. Examining the roles of plant species and nitrogen in the structure and function of microbial communities 8 (4): 1,5.
Burrows, R;Pfleger, F 2002. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi respond to increasing plant diversity 80: 120-130.
Craine, J;Tilman, D;Wedin, D;Reich, P;Tjoelker, M;Knops, J 2002. Functional traits, productivity and effects on nitrogen cycling of 33 grassland species 16: 563-574.
Craine, J;Wedin, D 2002. Determinants of growing season soil CO2 flux in a Minnesota grassland 59: 303-313.
Craine, J;Wedin, D;Chapin III, F;Reich, P 2002. Relationship between the structure of root systems and resource use for 11 North American grassland plants 165: 85-100.
Haddad, N;Tilman, D;Knops, J 2002. Long-term oscillations in grassland productivity induced by drought 5: 110-120.
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Koenig, W;Knops, J 2001. Seed-crop size and eruptions of North American boreal seed-eating birds 70: 609-620.
Lee, T;Tjoelker, M;Ellsworth, D;Reich, P 2001. Leaf gas exchange responses of 13 prairie grassland species to elevated CO2 and increased nitrogen supply 150 (2): 405-418.
Loreau, M;Schmid, B;Tilman, D;Wardle, D;Naeem, S;Inchausti, P;Bengtsson, J;Grime, J;Hector, A;Hooper, D;Huston, M;Raffaelli, D 2001. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: current knowledge and future challenges 294: 804-808.
Peterson, D;Reich, P 2001. Prescribed fire in oak savanna: Fire frequency effects on stand structure and dynamics 11: 914-927.
Reich, P 2001. Body size, geometry, longevity and metabolism: do plant leaves behave like animal bodies? 16: 674-680.