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Watwood, M. E., J. W. Fitzgerald, W. T. Swank, and E. R. Blood 1988. Factors involved in potential sulfur accumulation in litter and soil from a coastal pine forest.
Watwood, M. E., J. W. Fitzgerald, and W. T. Swank 1988. Effects of moisture content on sulfate generation and retention in hardwood forest uppersoil horizons.
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Webster, J. R., E. F. Benfield, S. W. Golladay, R. F. Kazmierczak, Jr., W. B. Perry, and G. T. Peters 1988. Effects of watershed disturbance on stream seston characteristics. T. Swank and D. A. Crossley, Jr., editor. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. Ecological Studies, vol. 66. Springer-Verlag, New York.: .
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