
Fitzgerald, J. W., D. D. Hale, and W. T. Swank 1988. Sulphur-containing amino acid metabolism in surface horizons of a hardwood forest.
Fitzgerald, J. W., and M. B. Watwood 1988. Isolation and turnover of organic matter covalently labeled with 35 Smethionine. Biochem. 20: 833-838..
Fitzgerald, J. W., W. T. Swank, T. C. Strickland, J. T. Ash, D. D. Hale, T. L. Andrew, and M. E. Watwood 1988. Sulfur pools and transformations in litter and surface soil of a hardwood forest. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. Springer-Verlag, New York.: .
Fitzgerald, J. W., and M. E. Watwood 1988. Amino-acid metabolism in forestsoil – isolation and turnover of organic matter covalently labelled with35S-methionine.
Franklin, J. F. 1988. Past and future of ecosystem research – contribution of dedicated experimental sites. T. Swank and D. A. Crossley, Jr., editor. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. Ecological Studies. Springer-Verlag, New York.: .
Montagnini, F., B. Haines, and W. Swank 1989. Factors controlling nitrification in soils of early successional and oak/hickory forests in the Southern Appalachians.
Montagnini, F., B. L. Haines, W. T. Swank, and J. B. Waide 1989. Nitrification in undisturbed mixed hardwoods and manipulated forests in the southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, U.S.A.
Munn, N. L. 1989. The role of stream substrate and local geomorphology in the retention of nutrients in headwater streams. D. dissertaion. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. 157 p.: .
Neary, D. G., W. T. Swank, and H. Riekerk 1989. An overview of nonpoint source pollution in the Southern United States. Tech. Rep. SE-50) 1988 July 12-14; Orlando, FL. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, NC.: .
Peine, J. D. 1989. The Southern Appalachian Man and Biosphere cooperative program. 1987 September 14-17. YMCA at the Rockies, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Atlanta, Georgia.: .
Peters, G. T., E. F. Benfield, and J. R. Webster 1989. Chemical composition and microbial activity of seston in a southern Appalachian headwater stream. North Amer. Benth. Soc. 8: 74-84..
Alexander, E.B. 1989. Response to the letter to the editor 148 No.1: .
Riekerk, H., D. G. Neary, and W. T. Swank 1989. The magnitude of upland silvicultural nonpoint source pollution in the south. Tech. Rep. SE-50) 1988 July 12-14. Orlando, FL. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, NC.: .
Roberson, S. 1989. Death on the hill.
Swank, W. T., L. F. DeBano, and D. Nelson 1989. Effects of timber management practices on soil and water. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO-55. Burns, Russel L., technical compiler. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington, D.C.: .
Taylor, R., W., A. L. Williams, Dashek, and W. Swank 1989. Ultrastructure and amino acid/protein contents of Pinus strobus needles: a potential monitor for ozone (O3).
Velbel, M. A. 1989. Discussion of Rates of soil formation: implications for soil-loss tolerance, by E. B. Alexander.
Velbel, M. A. 1989. Weathering of hornblende to ferruginousproducts by a dissolution-reprecipitation mechanism: petrography and stoichiometry.
Velbel, M. A. 1989. Effect of chemical affinity on feldsparhydrolysis rates in two natural weathering systems. : .
Vose, J. M., W. T. Swank, R. W. Taylor, W. V. Dashek, and A. L. Williams 1989. Foliar absorption of 15N labeled nitric acid vapor (HNO3) in mature eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.). No. 179]. 10-12 May 1989. Baltimore, MD. Oxfordshire, UK.: .