
Gough, L. ;Hobbie, S.E. 2003. Responses of moist non-acidic arctic tundra to altered environment: Productivity, biomass and species richness 103: 204-216.
Hobbie, S. E. ;Miley, T. A. ;Weiss, M. 2002. Carbon and nitrogen cycling in soils from different glacial surfaces in northern Alaska 5: 761-774.
Hobbie, S. E. ;Nadelhoffer, K. J. ;Högberg, P. 2002. A synthesis: The role of nutrients as constraints on carbon balances in boreal and arctic regions 242: 163-170.
Van Wijk, M. T. ;Williams, M. ;Gough, L. ;Hobbie, S. E. ;Shaver, G. R. 2003. Luxury consumption: A possible competitive strategy in above-belowground carbon allocation for slow-growing vegetation? 91 (4): 664-676.
Gough, L. ;Wookey, P.A. ;Shaver, G. R. 2002. Dry heath arctic tundra responses to long-term nutrient and light manipulation 34: 211-218.
Bret-Harte, M.S. ;Shaver, G.R. ;Chapin, F.S. 2002. Primary and secondary stem growth in Arctic shrubs: Implications for community response to environmental change 90: 251-267.
Judd, K. E. ;Kling, G. W. 2002. Production and export of dissolved C in arctic tundra mesocosms: The roles of vegetation and water flow 60: 213-234.
Hobbie, J. E. 2003. Scientific Accomplishments of the Long Term Ecological Research Program: An Introduction 53 (1): 17-20.
Rastetter, E. B. ;Aber, J.D. ;Peters, D.P.C. ;Ojima, D.S. ;Burke, I.C. 2003. Using Mechanistic Models to Scale ecological processes across space and time 53 (1): 68-76.
Kratz, T.K. ;Deegan, L.A. ;Harmon, M.E. ;Lauenroth, W.K. 2003. Ecological variability in space and time: Insights gained from US LTER Program 53 (1): 57-67.
Shaver, G. R. ;Bret-Harte, M.S. ;Jones, M.H. ;Johnstone, J. ;Gough, L. ;Laundre, J. ;III., Chapin F.S. 2001. Species composition interacts with fertilizer to control long-term change in tundra productivity 82 (11): 3163-3181.
Crump, B. C. ;Kling, G. W. ;Bahr, M. ;Hobbie, J. E. 2003. Bacterioplankton community shifts in an Arctic lake correlate with seasonal changes in organic matter source 69 (4): 2253-2268..
Stieglitz, M. ;Shaman, J. ;McNamara, J. ;Kling, G.W. ;Engel, V. ;Shanley, J. 2003. An Approach to Understanding Hydrologic Connectivity on the Hillslope and the Implications for Nutrient Transport 17 (4): 1105.
Stieglitz, M. ;Déry, S.J. ;Romanovsky, V.E. ;Osterkamp, T.E. 2003. The Role of Snow Cover in the Warming of Arctic Permafrost 30 (13): 1721.
Boelman, N. T. ;Stieglitz, M. ;Rueth, H. ;Sommerkorn, M. ;Griffin, K. L. ;Shaver, G. R. ;Gamon, J. A. 2003. Response of NDVI, Biomass, and Ecosystem Gas Exchange to Long-Term Warming and Fertilization in Wet Sedge Tundra 135: 414-421.
Shaman, J. ;Stieglitz, M. ;Engel, V.C. ;Koster, R.D. ;Stark, C.P. 2002. Representation of Stormflow and a More Responsive Water Table in a TOPMODEL-Based Hydrology Model 38 (8): 1156.
Loya, W. M. ;Johnson, L.C. ;Kling, G.W. ;King, J.Y. ;Reeburgh, W.S ;Nadelhoffer, K.J. 2002. Pulse-labeling studies of carbon cycling in arctic tundra ecosystems: Contribution of photosynthates to soil organic matter 16 (4): 10-1.
King, J. Y. ;Reeburgh, W.S. ;Thieler, K.K. ;Kling, G.W. ;Loya, W.M. ;Johnson, L.C. ;Nadelhoffer, K.J. 2002. Pulse-labeling studies of carbon cycling in Arctic tundra ecosystems: The contribution of photosynthates to methane emission 16 (4): 1062.
Eugster, W. ;Kling, G.W. ;Jonas, T. ;McFadden, J. ;Weust, A. ;MacIntyre, S. ;Chapin, F.S. 2003. CO2 exchange between air and water in an arctic Alaskan and mid-latitude Swiss lake: the importance of convective mixing 108 (D12): 4362.
O'Brien, W. J. ;Barfield, M. ;Bettez, N.D. ;Gettel, G.M. ;Hershey, A.E. ;McDonald, M.E. ;Miller, M.C. ;Mooers, H. ;Pastor, J. ;Richards, C. ;Schuldt, J. 2004. Physical, chemical and biotic impacts on arctic zooplankton communities and diversity 49: 1250-1261.