
Crawford, J. T. ;L.C. Loken ;N.J. Casson ;C. Smith ;A.G. Stone ;Winslow, L. A. 2014. High-speed limnology: using advanced sensors to investigate spatial variability in biogeochemistry and hydrology 49: .
Lawson, Z. ;Steve Carpenter 2014. A Morphometric Approach for Stocking Walleye Fingerlings in Lakes Invaded by Rainbow Smelt 34: 998-1002.
Read, E. K. ;M. Ivancic ;Hanson, P.C. ;B. J. Cade-Menun ;K. D. McMahon 2014. Phosphorus speciation in a eutrophic lake by 31P NMR spectroscopy 62: 229.
Eiler, A. ;K. Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka ;S. G. E. Andersson ;M. Martinez Garcia ;K. D. McMahon ;R. Stepanauskas ;Bertilsson, S. 2014. Productivity and salinity structuring of the microplankton revealed by comparative freshwater metagenomics 16: 2682.
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Latzka, A. W., ;Crawford, J. T. ;Koblings, A. S. ;Caldeira, Y. ;Hilts, E. ;Vander Zanden, M. Jake 2014. Representing calcification in distribution models for aquatic invasive species: surrogates perform as well as CaCO3 saturation state
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2015. Enhanced silica ballasting from iron stress sustains carbon export in a frontal zone within the California Current 120: 4654-4669.
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in-press. Environmental controls on spatial patterns in the long-term persistence of giant kelp in central California
Crawford, John T. ;Emily H. Stanley ;Spawn, Seth A. ;Finlay, Jacques C. ;Loken, Luke C. ;Striegl, Robert G. 2014. Ebullitive methane emissions from oxygenated wetland streams 20: 3408–3422.
Gries, Corinna ;Henshaw, D. ;Brown, R.F. ;Cary, R. ;Downing, J. ;Jones, C. ;Kennedy, A. ;Laney, C. M. ;Martin, M. ;Morse, J. ;Porter, J. ;Read, Jordan S. ;Rettig, A. ;Sheldon, W. ;Strachan, S. ;Zdravkovic, B. 2014. Sensor and sensor data management best practices released Spring 2014: .
Crawford, J. T. ;Noah R. Lottig ;Emily H. Stanley ;Walker, John F. ;Hanson, Paul C. ;Finlay, Jacques C. ;Striegl, Robert G. 2014. CO2 and CH4 emissions from streams in a lake-rich landscape: Patterns, controls and regional significance. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 28: 197-210.
Marin-Spiotta, E. ;Gruley, K. E. ;Crawford, J. T. ;Atkinson, E. E. ;Miesel, J. R. ;Greene, S. ;Cardona-Correa, C. ;Spencer, R. G. M. 2014. Paradigm shifts in soil organic matter research affect interpretations of aquatic carbon cycling: transcending disciplinary and ecosystem boundaries 117: 279-297.
C.J. Watras ;Read, Jordan S. ;Holman, K.D. ;Liu, Z. ;Song, Y.-Y. ;Watras, A.J. ;Morgan, S. ;Emily H. Stanley 2014. Decadal oscillation of lakes and aquifers in the upper Great Lakes region of North America: hydroclimatic implications 41: 456-462. doi:10.1002/2013GL058679.
Winslow, Luke A. ;Read, Jordan S. ;Hanson, Paul C. ;Emily H. Stanley 2014. Lake shoreline in the contiguous United States: quantity, distribution and sensitivity to observation resolution 59: 213-223. doi:10.1111/fwb.12258.
Orr, Cailin H. ;Predick, Katherine I. ;Emily H. Stanley ;Rogers, Kristy L. 2014. Spatial autocorrelation of denitrification in a restored and a natural floodplain 34: 89-100.
Noah R. Lottig ;Wagner, Tyler ;Henry, Emily Norton ;Cheruvelil, Kendra Spence ;Webster, Katherine E. ;Downing, John A. ;Stow, Craig A. 2014. Long-term citizen-collected data reveal geographical patterns and temporal trends in lake water clarity 9: e95769.
Dornelas, Maria ;Gotelli, Nicholas J. ;McGill, Brian ;Shimadzu, Hideyasu ;Moyes, Faye ;Sievers, Caya ;Magurran, Anne E. 2014. Assemblage time series reveal biodiversity change but not systematic loss 344: 296-299.
in-press. Multi-temporal spectral library approach for mapping vegetation species across spatial and temporal phenological gradients