
Campbell, John Lennon 2004. Carbon fluxes across three climatically-distinct forest chronosequences in Oregon
Dunham, Susie M. 2003. Population genetics, systematics and habitat associations of Chanterelles in the Pacific Northwest
Heichen, Rachel S. 2002. Biology and chemistry of a meadow-to-forest transition in the central Oregon Cascades
Keirstead, Heath 2004. Quantifying C and N contents and isotope signatures of SOM pools in the H.J. Andrews DIRT plots
Lutz, James A. 2005. The contribution of mortality to early coniferous forest development
Murillo, Michelle L. 2000. Modeling slope stability uncertainty: a case study at the Andrews Experimental Forest
Pruyn, Michele L. 2001. Patterns of stem respiration within tree, with age, and among species in Pacific Northwest trees
Ross, Dana N. R. 2003. Butterflies of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest: biological inventory and ecological analysis
Schaerer, Brett Loren 2000. Arthropod community structure in regenerating Douglas-fir and red alder forests: influences of geography, tree diversity and density
Smithwick, Erica A. H. 2001. Potential carbon storage at the landscape scale in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.
Sobota, Daniel J. 2003. Fall directions and breakage of riparian trees along streams in the Pacific Northwest
Spears, Julie D. H. 2002. The imprint of coarse woody debris on soil biological and chemical properties in the western Oregon Cascades
St. Pierre, Elizabeth A. 2000. Effects of canopy gaps in Douglas-fir forests and resource gradients on fecundity and growth of understory herbs
Swanston, Christopher W. 2000. Influences of nitrogen on carbon dynamics in forest soil and density fractions
Van Tuyl, Steven 2004. Carbon storage and fluxes in forests of western Oregon-successional patterns and environmental controls
Wagai, Rota 1999. Dynamics of water-soluble carbon in forest soils of contrasting fertility
Waichler, Scott R. 2000. Simulation of vegetation and hydrology for climate change analysis of a mountain watershed : 108.
Pypker, Thomas G. 2004. The influence of canopy structure and epiphytes on the hydrology of Douglas-fir forests
Dixon, John Joseph 2003. Applying GIS to soil-geomorphic landscape mapping in the Lookout Creek Valley, western Cascades, Oregon
Ninnemann, Jeffery J. 2005. A study of hyporheic characteristics along a longitudinal profile of Lookout Creek, Oregon