
McGuire, Kevin J. 2004. Water residence time and runoff generation in the western Cascades of Oregon
Work, Timothy T. 2000. Edge effects of clearcut harvesting on ground arthropod species composition and predator community structure in old-growth Douglas-fir forests
Dreher, David Marshall 2004. Effects of input and redistribution processes on in-stream wood abundance and arrangement in Lookout Creek, western Cascade Range, Oregon
Giglia, Sheryl K. 2004. Spatial and temporal patterns of 'super-old' Douglas-fir trees of the central western Cascades, Oregon
Burkholder, Braden O. 2004. The influence of discharge and temperature variation on macroinvertebrate community diversity patterns in headwater streams
Rozzell, Lara R. 2003. Species pairwise associations over nine years of secondary succession: assessing alternative explanations and successional mechanisms
Watterson, Nicholas A. 2004. Exotic plant invasion from roads to stream networks in steep forested landscapes of western Oregon
Farrand, Alex M. 2004. Effect of adult aquatic insect life history on return to Lookout Creek, H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon
Yano, Yuriko 2002. Characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its stabilization in a forest soil
Yi, Hoonbok 2002. Response of arthropods to different intensities of thinning in Oregon
Moore, Georgianne W. 2003. Drivers of variability in transpiration and implications for stream flow in forests of western Oregon
Czarnomski, Nicole M. 2003. Effects of harvest and roads on in-stream wood abundance in the Blue River Basin, western Cascades, Oregon
Pincheira, Martin Edward 2004. Changes in population structure, mortality and biomass of trees in old-growth Sitka spruce/western hemlock stands on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington
Lindh, Briana C. 2003. Understory herb and shrub responses to root trenching, pre-commercial thinning, and canopy closure in Douglas-fir forests of the western Cascades, Oregon
Lookingbill, Todd R. 2003. Communities in transition: a multi-phase study of the Tsuga heterophylla/Abies amabilis ecotone in the Oregon Cascades
Rich, Jeremy J. 2003. Community composition and activities of denitrifying bacteria in soils
Poteet, Mary F. 2001. Effects of disturbance on host-parasite interactions: a case study involving the Pacific Giant Salamander
Berryman, Shanti D. 2002. Epiphytic macrolichens in relation to forest management and topography in a western Oregon watershed
Anderson, Justin K. 2002. Patterns in stream geomorphology and implications for hyporheic exchange flow
Oboyski, Peter T. 1995. Macroarthropod communities on vine maple, red alder and sitka alder along riparian zones in the central western Cascade Range, Oregon