
Sousa, B.F. 2012. Ecology of mating patterns and sexual selection in dickcissels breeding in managed prairie : 1 -166.
Tomeo, N.J. 2012. A mycorrhizal community is unresponsive to simulated future precipitation variability
Vandermyde, J.M. 2013. Macroinvertebrate responses to removal of riparian woody vegetation along tallgrass prairie streams
Auvenshine, S.D. 2011. Infiltration controls in a tallgrass prairie at a hillslope scale : 1 -126.
Gregory, A.J. 2011. The influence of behavioral and landscape ecology on Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) genetic structure and evolution : 1 -129.
Hartman, J. 2011. Responses of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) to precipitation amount and temperature
Mikhail, T. 2011. Dissolved inorganic carbon in soil and shallow groundwater, Konza Prairie LTER Site, NE Kansas, USA
Mohler, R. 2011. Multi-scale burned area mapping in tallgrass prairie using in situ spectrometry and satellite imagery
Parsons, S. 2011. A generalist grasshopper species (Melanoplus femurrubrum) is adapted to variable environments along a latitudinal gradient
Riley, A.J. 2011. Effects of riparian woody vegetation encroachment on prairie stream structure and function with emphasis on whole-stream metabolism
Rostkowski, S.C. Jr. 2011. Long-term effects of climate change on grassland soil systems: A reciprocal transplant approach
Tiemann, L. 2011. Soil microbial community carbon and nitrogen dynamics with altered precipitation regimes and substrate availability
Williamson, M.M. 2010. Controls on bud activation and tiller initiation in tallgrass prairie: The effect of light and nitrogen : 1 -52.
Winders, K. 2010. Ecosystem Processes of Prairie Streams and the Impact of Anthropogenic Alteration on Stream Ecological Integrity
Blevins, E. 2010. Influence of landscape context on patterns of occupancy, abundance, and gene flow among collared lizards in the Flint Hills of Kansas
Buck, T. 2010. The impact of land cover change on water and carbon cycling in the US central plains grasslands
Commerford, J.L. 2010. Calibrating vegetation cover and pollen assemblages in the Flint Hills of Kansas, USA
Lohnes, R.G. 2010. Nest site selection and nest thermal properties of common nighthawks on the tallgrass prairie of Kansas
McNew, L.B. 2010. An analysis of Greater Prairie-chicken demography in Kansas: the effects of human land use on the population ecology of an obligate grassland species
Orozco, R.A. 2010. Quantifying phenotypic variation between populations of Panicum virgatum along a latitudinal gradient within the Great Plains