
Lane, J. D. 1962. The reproductive cycle of Dipodomys ordii and Dipodomys merriami in southern New Mexico : 28.
Baca, Edward C. 1961. The accuracy, precision and efficiency of the point series method of vegetation sampling with reference to the low vegetative cover of the semi-desert grassland : 40.
DeGarmo, Harlan Cecil , Jr. 1966. Water requirement and production of eight desert plant species under four soil levels : 45.
Rogers, John G. 1965. Analysis of the coyote population of Dona Ana County, New Mexico : 39.
Maze, Richard L. 1965. Bird populations of a desert scrub area in southern New Mexico
Moore, David Rubal 1965. Breeding biology and nest usage of the verdin in southern New Mexico
Green, Geary Ray 1965. Chromic oxide in paper as an indicator in digestion trials with steers : 49.
Hill, Kenneth R. 1965. Estimated intake and nutritive value of range forage grazed by Hereford and Santa Gertrudis cows : 33.
Moore, John Verne 1965. Estimates of inbreeding, sex, age of dam and year effects on beef calf performance : 50.
Gerard, Jesse Blake 1965. Factors and treatments affecting fruit fill, seed germination and seedling emergence of fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.) : 60.
Heckenlively, Donald Bruce 1965. Form and function of song in a population of Amphispiza bilineata (Cassin)
Wright, Michael E. 1965. Habitat analysis of the genus Neotoma in southern Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico : 31.
Pease, Douglas Shelley 1967. Opal phytoliths as indicators of paleosols : 81. NMSU Library System: Call no: S 1999 .P42 1967.
Prieto, Andrew A. , Jr. 1967. Physiological responses to temperature in the horned lizards Phrynosoma cornutum and Phrynosoma douglassi : 25.
Barry, Harold Andrew 1967. Use of indicators in digestibility studies with tobosa (Hilaria mutica) : 42.
Conley, Mark Issac Jr. 1966. Water balance and thermoneutrality in the grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster)
Sosebee, Ronald Eugene 1966. The effects of soil temperature and moisture on seedling emergence and initial growth : 61.
Alexander, Charles E. 1966. Energy requirements of the side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana)
Medica, Philip Anthony 1966. Food habits, habitat preference, reproduction, and diurnal activity in four sympatric species of whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus)
Law, Lamont Worthen 1968. Ecotypic variation in seed and seedling characteristics in New Mexico galleta grass : 33.