
Hills, Jack Myron 1968. Intake and digestability of range forage by Hereford and Santa Gertrudis cows : 61.
Kiesling, Herman Ernst 1968. Intake and digestibility of tobosa (Hilaria mutica) by grazing steers : 91.
Shiffler, Wendell J. 1968. Phenology of desert ephemerals in southern New Mexico
Korzdorfer, Edward Jay 1968. Seeding, furrowing, brush removal, and rabbit exclusion effects on creosotebush-infested sites : 54.
Prieto, Abelardo Escobar 1968. Vitamin A injections for range beef cows
Henderson, Carl Wallace 1967. Comparative temperature and moisture responses in Gambel and Scaled Quail
Singh, S. P. 1967. Cover biomass and root-shoot habit of Larrea divaricata on a selected site in southern New Mexico
Redding, P. D. 1967. Growth and propagation potential of selected New Mexico native plants for commercial use : 28.
Engelking, Charles Thomas 1969. The behavior of pronghorn-antelope in southcentral New Mexico : 67.
Wolde-Yohannis, K. 1969. Emergence from soil, germination, water use, and production of russian thistle (Salsola kali L.)
Hettinger, Loren Robert 1969. Energy dynamics and net productivity of annual plants in southern New Mexico
Best, Terrence Rafferty 1969. Habitat, annual cycle and food of burrowing owls in Southcentral New Mexico : 34.
Wolfe, Helen Gay 1970. Environmental influences on water status in Fouquieria splendens
Legler, Randall Phar , Jr. 1970. Habitat preference of the desert cottontail with additional notes on the black-tailed jack rabbit : 26.
Woods, Donald Eugene 1970. Nitrogen transformations in a desert grassland soil : 50.
Nava, Guillermo 1970. Occurrence of vegetation and emergence of species from surface soil collected on two southwestern desert range sites : 30.
Glidewell, Elmo Dwain 1970. Suitable habitat as a factor limiting pronghorn numbers on the Jornada Experimental Range : 28.
Siriphant, Chamlong 1971. The relationship of organic carbon content to carbonate and soluble Ca and Mg content in some New Mexico soils : 65.
Burk, Jack Harlan 1970. Comparative production of Larrea divaricata Cav. on three geomorphic surfaces in southern New Mexico : 40.
Caccamise, Donald F. 1971. Competitive relationships of the Common and Lesser nighthawk : 79.