
Hickman, Gary Wayne 1974. Some effects of carbamate insecticide on primary producers in a desert grassland ecosystem : 24.
Torres-Hernandez, Glafiro 1974. Some factors influencing fall weights of cows under southern New Mexico range conditions : 42.
McKinney, Helen H. 1975. Reproductive effort in some Chihuahuan Desert annuals : 30.
Delson, Rebecca Koskela 1975. Some reproductive aspects of three Chihuahuan Desert Nyctaginaceae : 42.
Edwards, James Wyatt 1975. Water balance and assimilation efficiency of the horned lizard, Phrynosoma cornutum: a field study : 21.
Kay, Carol Ann Rolph 1974. Aspects of the thermal physiology of honey ants (Genus Myrmecocystus) : 74.
Pimm, Stuart Leonard 1974. Community process and structure : 91.
Cuesta, Lorenzo Rafael 1974. Comparative breeding ecology of the Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis) in three habitat types : 39.
Reynolds, James Fredric 1974. A comparative modelling study of plant growth systems in a desert ecosystem : 68.
Delson, Jeffrey Hale 1974. The ecology of the desert dwelling salamander Ambystoma tigrinum : 68.
Zambuk, U. Y. 1974. The gemination responses of three semidesert grasses to temperature, moisture, and depth of planting
O'Laughlin, Thomas Connor 1975. The distribution and productivity of Flourensia cernua D.C. (tarbush) in southern New Mexico : 74.
Cadle, Joseph Mark , Jr. 1975. Factors affecting dystocia in range beef heifers : 68.
Thomas, Kenneth Gary 1975. Foraging and breeding behavior of the black-tailed gnatcatcher (Polioptila melanura) in southern New Mexico : 36.
Ibarra Gil, Humberto 1975. Grazing effects on a desert grassland : 37.
Smith, Stanley Dean 1975. The growth patterns, productivity, and phytosociology of soaptree yucca (Yucca elata Engelm) : 87.
Cruz-Mendoza, Javier 1975. Maternal traits in Brangus cattle : 101.
Lopez de Torre, Guillermo 1976. Growth patterns of Hereford and Brangus cows under two different environments : 70.
Miller, Richard Frank 1976. Response of five southwestern range plants to season of defoliation : 104.
Delahunt, Regina Anne 1976. Summer activity cycles of Urosaurus ornatus in field and laboratory : 30.