
Shaffer, David Thurston 1979. Behavioral responses of a predator, the round-tailed lizard (Phrynosoma modestum) and its prey, honey-pit ants (Myrmecocystus ssp) : 27.
Gadzia, Kirk Leslie 1979. Growth and development patterns of black grama in southern New Mexico : 92.
Miles, Nancy Jo 1979. Host specificity in the Yucca moth, Tegeticula yuccasella complex (Lepidoptera: Incurvariidae): A morphometric approach : 48.
Richards, Steven Glen 1979. Milk production, weight changes and preweaning growth rate of Brangus, Hereford and reciprocal crossbred cows under semidesert conditions : 63.
Winder, John A. 1979. Postweaning growth and reproductive performance of Hereford, Brangus, and reciprocal crossbred heifers : 63.
Heithold, Donavon William 1980. Grazing behavior and diet composition of cattle on continuously and seasonally grazed semiarid ranges : 50.
Beavis, William Dale 1980. Habitat influence on population densities of range caterpillar, Hemileuca oliviae ckii. : 67.
Rebar, Cynthia E. 1980. Interactions in microhabitat use between Dipodomys ordii and Onychomys leucogaster : 41.
Ryder-White, Jennifer Anne 1980. Microbial activity of a semidesert rangeland as affected by 2,4,5-T : 69.
Repass, Robert Glenn 1980. Nutrient aspect of optimal foraging behavior : 37.
Schaefer, Douglas A. 1980. Nutrient cycling by the subterranean termite Gnathamitermes tubiformans on a desert bajada : 68.
Young, Steve A. 1980. Phenological development and impact of season and intensity of defoliation on Sporobolus flexuosus and Bouteloua eriopoda : 110.
Willemsma, Hank A. 1980. Postweaning growth and reproductive performance of Brangus and crossbred heifers : 47.
Elkins, Ned Zane 1980. Predaceous microathropods as potential regulators of microbial grazing during litter decomposition in a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem : 45.
Ghaly, Magdi Yousif 1980. Pronghorn antelope studies on the Jornada del Muerto : 50.
Abdalla, Suliman H. 1980. Application of simulation techniques to evaluate grazing management policies in the semidesert grasslands of southern New Mexico : 182.
Dabo, Sira-Mady 1980. Botanical composition of black-tailed jackrabbit diets on semidesert rangeland : 85.
Sanderson, Steven H. 1980. Creosotebush seed production and viability following herbicide treatment : 49.
Wisdom, Wendy Ann 1980. Diversity and density of ants on herbicide treated rangelands : 55.
Jeffcoat, B. Lowell 1980. Factors affecting seed germination and seedling establishment of broom snakeweed : 101.