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Lauber, Christian L. 2006. Edaphic factors contributing to soil microbial extracellular enzyme activities Ph.D.: .
Kurc, Shirley A. 2006. Dynamics and controls of ecosystem scale water, carbon, and energy cycling at semiarid grassland and shrubland Ph.D.: .
Smith, ML 2010. Heterogeneity in the urban landscape: Impacts on hydrologic processes and nitrogen pollution Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation: .
Stanko, GM 2009. Longitudinal variability in streamwater chemistry and carbon and nitrogen dynamics in restored and degraded urban stream networks MS: 56.
Mittman, TS 2009. Assessing the impact of the urban tree canopy on streamflow response: an extension of physically based hydrologic modeling to the suburban landscape Unpublished Masters of Arts: 119.