
Tierney, G. L. 2002. Fine root dynamics in a northern hardwood forest : 116.
Doran, P. J. 2003. Intraspecific spatial variation in bird abundance: patterns and processes
Nagy, L. R. 2002. Causes and consequences of individual variation in reproductive output in a forest-dwelling Neotropical migrant songbird : 119.
Douglas, L. 2002. Impact of human habitat degradation on resident and Neotroopical migratory birds occupying the Tropical Dry Forest Life zone of southern Jamaica
Fiorentino, I. 2002. Early response of phosphorus cycling to an experimental addition of calcium in a northern hardwood forest : 59.
Gulezian, P. 2002. Reproductive success in forest birds: A test of the mobbing playback method : 29.
Hane, E. N. 2001. Multi-factor interactions in the decline of Acer saccharum regeneration in the White Mountains of New Hampshire : 155.
Tilley, J. 2000. Manipulating forests to increase soil carbon sequestration: calcium and nitrogen fertilization of red spruce stands : 106.
Davis, M. H. 2001. Parental care of fledglings in Black-throated Blue Warblers (Dendroica caerulescens)
Erickson, B. 2001. Effects of food supplementation on nestling feeding rate and parental time budgeting in a Neotropical migrant bird. Senior Honors Thesis
Sillett, T. S. 2000. Long-term demographic trends, population limitation, and the regulation of abundance in a migratory songbird
Bernhardt, E. S. 2001. Nutrient demand and nitrogen processing in streams of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
Mahar, E. M. 2000. Foraging behavior as an indicator of habitat quality in the Black-throated Blue Warbler Dendroica caerulescens
O'Brien, R. 2000. Unsaturated flow and hydrogeochemistry beneath different plant covers: field observations from the Hubbard Brook Sandbox Experiment : 255.
Gbondo-Tugbawa, S. S. 2000. Modeling the response of forest and aquatic ecosystems to changes in atmospheric deposition : 149.
Hogan, J. F. 2000. Solute isotopes as hydrologic tracers: Examples from the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, MN, Hubbard Brook, NH and the Fresh Kills Landfill, NY : 271.
Kaban, J. 2000. Food resources used by three Neotropical migrant warblers wintering in a Jamaican shade coffee plantation
Aitkenhead-Peterson, J. A. 2000. Source, production and export of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen : 304.
Coleman, K. 2000. An assessment of the possible importance of species composition to calcium cycling in young northern hardwood forest stands : 44.
Douglas, L. 2000. Effects of human habitat disturbance on resident and migrant bird communities, Caribbean tropical dry forest, Jamaica