
Bennett, Elena Michele 1999. Human impacts on erodable phosphorus and eutrophication : 56.
Fallah-Moghaddam, Payam 1999. Ascomycetes from north temperate lakes in Wisconsin : 190.
Foreman, William J. 1999. Carp-mediated phosphorus cycling in a shallow eutrophic lake: Lake Wingra, Wisconsin, U.S.A. : vii, 113.
Lathrop, Richard Calvin 1998. Water clarity responses to phosphorus and daphnia in Lake Mendota : vii, 140.
Monte, Amy Elizabeth 1998. The transfer of sulfur between the lake water and sediments of Little Rock Lake, WI : 110.
Sanderson, Beth Leigh 1998. Factors regulating water clarity in northern Wisconsin lakes : viii, 170.
Arnott, Shelley Elizabeth 1998. Species turnover and richness of aquatic communities in north temperate lakes : 176.
Champion, Glen 1998. Transient and steady-state flow models of a ground-water and lake system: Trout Lake Basin, northern Wisconsin : 109.
Gerrish, Gretchen 1998. Effect of Little Rock Lake experimental acidification on Diaptomus minutus: investigation of the diapause egg bank
Fischer, Janet Marie 1997. Zooplankton community responses to acidification: the role of rapid evolution and compensatory dynamics : 114.
Hood, Jim 1997. Behavioral flexibility of Diaptomus minutus feeding in lakes of the North Temperate Region
Gergel, Sarah E. 1996. Scale-dependent landscape effects on north temperate lakes and rivers : 46.
Michaels, Susannah S. 1995. Regional analysis of lakes, groundwater and precipitation, northern Wisconsin: A stable isotope study : vii, 161.
Poister, David 1995. Effects of the community composition and vertical distribution of phytoplankton on pigment and phosphorus sedimentation in three Wisconsin lakes : viii, 198.
Soranno, Patricia A. 1995. Phosphorus cycling in the Lake Mendota ecosystem: internal versus external nutrient supply : 157.
Weaver, Melissa J. 1995. The spatial distribution of fishes in relation to habitat in North Temperate Lakes : 201.
Wynne, Randolph Hamilton 1995. Satellite monitoring of lake ice breakup on the Laurentian shield as a robust climate indicator : 211.
Hrabik, Thomas R. 1995. Distribution patterns and feeding characteristics of rainbow smelt in Wisconsin : Effects on native fishes : 1; 62.
Johnson, Timothy Bruce 1995. Long-term dynamics of the zooplanktivorous fish community in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin : 203.
Hill, A. M. 1994. Competition and predation as mechanisms of replacement of cogeneric crayfishes by the exotic crayfish Orconectes rusticus (Girard)